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Top 50 Mania Quotes

Mania Quotes

This post contains some of the best mania quotes.

What Is Mania?

Mania is a psychological state characterized by extreme excitement, excessive energy, heightened mood, and an exaggerated sense of self-confidence.

It is a core symptom of bipolar disorder, a mood disorder that involves the alternation between manic and depressive episodes.

During a manic episode, individuals may experience symptoms such as:

1. Euphoria or extreme happiness: They may feel easily excited, elated, and experience an intense sense of well-being.

2. Increased energy and activity levels: Manic individuals often have a surplus of energy, engage in impulsive behaviors, and exhibit a decreased need for sleep.

3. Rapid speech and racing thoughts: Thoughts may quickly jump from one idea to another, making it difficult to keep up with the conversation.

4. Decreased need for sleep: People in a manic state might require significantly less sleep and still feel energized.

5. Grandiosity and inflated self-esteem: Individuals may have an excessively high opinion of themselves or believe they possess special powers or abilities.

6. Risky behavior: Mania can lead to impulsive actions, such as excessive spending, reckless driving, substance abuse, or engaging in risky sexual behaviors.

Mania Quotes

1. “Mania is a state of abnormally high or irritable mood and is the most extreme and dramatic of the symptom clusters of bipolar disorder. In the manic state, the mood regulator switches into “high.””— Francis Mark Mondimore

2. “Mania can be characterized by a strong sense of euphoria, but this euphoria can switch to anger or hostility very quickly. Someone who seems deliriously happy one moment can become irritated in an instant, for example.”— Dean A. Haycock

3. “Many people who have bipolar disorder never have a full-blown manic episode, but a manic episode makes the diagnosis of bipolar disorder certain.”— Francis Mark Mondimore

4. “Some people think that having lots of energy and enthusiasm is the same as experiencing a manic state. It’s not.”—Dean A. Haycock

5. “Mania often starts gradually and may take weeks to develop fully. In the early stages, the mood state slowly moves “upward,” and people find themselves filled with pleasant feelings of vitality. This heightened sense of wellbeing and confidence grows and gradually evolves into euphoria.”— Francis Mark Mondimore

6. “Another common symptom is seemingly boundless energy. Someone experiencing mania might go for days without sleep. They may exhibit a childlike blend of fascination and impatience toward different activities or people. Like a child quickly engaged — and just as quickly bored — someone in a manic phase often flits from one pursuit to the next, from one unrealistic plan to another one.”—Dean A. Haycock

7. “The experience of mania can be a double-edged sword: after you experience an episode of depression, it’s natural to enjoy lifting out of this low mood and experiencing feeling happy and energetic. At its extreme, however, mania can be incredibly dangerous and destructive. ”— Sheri Van Dijk

8. “At first, there may be only a pleasant sense of quickness of thinking. Invariably, however, thinking processes accelerate: “quick” becomes “fast” and finally “racing.” Racing thoughts are a symptom so typical of mania that the diagnosis becomes doubtful if this symptom is absent. This tumbling, jumbled jumping from one thought to another becomes progressively worse and more unpleasant as the episode develops.”— Francis Mark Mondimore

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9. “As the individual’s manic thinking speeds up, their speech does as well. Rapid, or pressured, speech (the term usually used by psychiatrists) is nearly always seen in mania. People experiencing mania speak more and more quickly as the episode develops, trying to express the ideas whirling through their consciousness at ever-faster speeds. Sometimes racing thoughts and pressured speech lead to an outpouring of furious writing, page after incomprehensible page of it.”— Francis Mark Mondimore

10. “Their increased energy and confidence push people having a manic episode into rising levels of activity. They start new, often unrealistic projects and suddenly develop new interests in matters that never interested them before. They may act on sudden urges to travel, learn new languages, play a musical instrument. Whatever the new pursuit is, the person with mania throws themselves into it 110 percent, spending hours on end on some new project or staying up all night working.”— Francis Mark Mondimore

11. “Manic episodes also may involve grandiosity resulting in the belief that you are much more accomplished, brilliant, talented, inventive, beautiful, etc. than you really are. The slightest accomplishment can be elevated to an outlandish degree. ”— Dean A. Haycock

12. “Mania is associated with aimless overactivity, such as starting many different projects and not really getting anything done, whereas hypomania often leads to an increase in goal-directed activities—in other words, you are able to achieve more.”— Sheri Van Dijk

13. “The high feelings that characterize mania cause a loss of inhibitions. This can result in spending sprees, sexual promiscuity, and the overuse of alcohol and other intoxicating substances. The spending sprees can be extravagant and financially catastrophic because the person with mania has no concern for where the money will come from to pay the bills.”— Francis Mark Mondimore

14. “There are almost always changes in sleeping and eating habits in mania. A decreased need for sleep is one of the first symptoms to develop—often a clue for individuals who have been manic before that another episode may be starting. Food intake is usually reduced because people in a manic episode simply don’t have time to eat. The subsequent weight loss can be dramatic.”— Francis Mark Mondimore

15. “Another common symptom of a manic episode is inappropriate involvement in other people’s lives — being a super-busybody. A person with the disorder may make, without invitation, others’ personal or professional matters her own business. She might make phone calls at inappropriate times, offer long-winded and unsolicited advice, or make bullying threats. Friends and family often distance themselves to escape this meddlesome, boorish behavior.”— Dean A. Haycock

16. “The first thing I need to clarify here is that mania and hypomania are not emotions but states. They consist of emotions but are also much more than that.”—Sheri Van Dijk

17. “The manic state, or more simply mania, is the most extreme and dramatic of the symptom clusters of bipolar disorder.”— Francis Mark Mondimore

18. “As the combination of euphoric mood and mental quickness develops, the individual with mania begins to feel tremendously self-confident, the so-called grandiosity of the manic state.”— Francis Mark Mondimore

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19. “Remember this rule of thumb if you are experiencing a manic episode: “What goes up must come down.” Mania causes people with bipolar illness to climb higher and higher and then crash like a wave rolling into the shore. ”—Troy Steven

20. “People with mania can develop grandiose delusions. They can become convinced that they are the president or prime minister, a scientific genius, or a modern prophet. They may feel called upon to found a new religion. They may even believe they are the reincarnation of Christ or possibly a new god.”—Francis Mark Mondimore

21. “The “feeling good” stage of mania is sometimes very short-lived. An angry, irritable mood can quickly replace the initially elevated mood. Sometimes the individual in a manic state alternates between elation and irritability for a time, but usually the irritable, unpleasant mood becomes predominant. It is often this irritability that brings the person to the attention of medical professionals.”—Francis Mark Mondimore

22. “During a manic episode, a person might impulsively quit a job, charge up huge amounts on credit cards, or feel rested after sleeping only two hours.”—Troy Steven

23. “As the manic state continues to develop, racing thoughts, an increased energy level, and loss of inhibitions lead to disorganized and disturbed thinking and behavior. People in this state become incoherent and agitated.”—Francis Mark Mondimore

24. “No pill can help me deal with the problem of not wanting to take pills; likewise, no amount of psychotherapy alone can prevent my manias and depressions. I need both.” —Kay Jamison

25. “The full-blown manic state is not only intensely unpleasant but also dangerous. The danger may arise from the increased risk of violence toward others (or toward themselves) and the physical stress the syndrome causes. In decades past, mania had a significant mortality rate.”—Francis Mark Mondimore

26. “Mania triggers wildly impulsive behaviors, powerful urges to push oneself to the utmost, to go to often dangerous extremes—like driving a hundred miles an hour, bingeing on drugs and alcohol, jumping out of windows, cutting, and others.”—Marya Hornbacher

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27. “Hypomania is a state of abnormally elevated mood, increased activity, and decreased need for sleep, similar to mania but without the mental disorganization and behavioral disturbances seen in people with mania.”—Francis Mark Mondimore

28. “ I know the mania is lots of fun, but here you are in the hospital, and you don’t care for that. So perhaps you should try taking your medication all the time? Just to see how it works? ”— Marya Hornbacher

29. “No matter how long it has been since you had a hypomanic or manic episode, there is always a possibility you will have another one. Of course, feeling a bit on edge or having to stay up late to finish a project doesn’t necessarily mean you are on the verge of becoming manic.”— Dean A. Haycock

30. “People in the hypomanic state do not have the severe mental disorganization of mania. They are by definition not agitated to the point of violence toward themselves or others. Nevertheless, hypomania can have unpleasant consequences.”—Francis Mark Mondimore

31. “One of the most troublesome symptoms of mania is intense desire. This can lead to out-of-character behaviors, such as excessive shopping, substance use, and sexual promiscuity.”—William R. Marchand

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32. “Mania is contagious, pulling people into its whirlwind orbit. I’m the pied piper. There’s nothing wrong with me. Absolutely everyone is crazy. I’m riding the swell of excitement with everyone else.”—Marya Hornbacher

33. “Irritability and anger are common symptoms of bipolar disorder and can occur during either depression or mania. Of course, feeling frustrated and upset from time to time is normal, but as with excessive desire, too much irritability can cause problems in your life.”— William R. Marchand

34. “Even if someone responds well to mood stabilizers, it’s possible at times she will find herself edging toward hypomania or even full-scale mania. A relapse might be traced to a specific event or might appear without an obvious trigger. ”— Dean A. Haycock

35. “Left to run its course, mania often results in a crash, leaving the victim feeling depressed and physically and mentally exhausted. The episode can also foul up the victim’s personal and professional relationships and financial status.”—Candida Fink & Joseph Kraynak

36. “As you know from your own experience, one symptom of mania and hypomania is an increased desire to experience pleasure. This desire can be intense and may lead to behaviors that are risky or that have potentially disastrous consequences. Mindfulness provides a way to be present with desire without having to act on it. This is a critical skill to have when you are bipolar.”— William R. Marchand

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Managing Mania Quotes

37. “You can protect yourself from real crises by realizing that certain situations might increase the likelihood of mania. Recognizing specific triggering events or patterns of behavior that are especially relevant to your particular illness can save you, and those around you, a lot of pain and inconvenience. ”— Dean A. Haycock

38. “Before you have a relapse, there are precautionary steps you can take to keep your personal life intact. Ideally, you will get help before things digress too far.”— Dean A. Haycock

39. “Try to avoid highly stressful jobs. For example, if a job involves a lot of last-minute deadlines or waiting on many customers who all want service immediately, it might not be right for you.”— Dean A. Haycock

40. “The people closest to you — your spouse, children, other family members, and close friends — should be aware of your illness and should know its implications. Tell them what it’s like to have the disorder and how it affects you.”— Dean A. Haycock

41. “Obviously, try to avoid highly stressful situations. Plan your day carefully to avoid unnecessary rushing.”— Dean A. Haycock

42. “Ask for help when appropriate. If you volunteer to cook Thanksgiving dinner or take on some difficult task at work, ask for help.”— Dean A. Haycock

43. “Pace yourself. Take short breaks whenever possible. Step outside and get some fresh air. Have a snack. Read a few more pages of a book, listen to some music, or take some deep breaths. Pause at times to look around you. You do not need to compete with everyone.”— Dean A. Haycock

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44. “If most of your finances are tied up in investments that you cannot access without third-party intervention, there are fewer liquid assets for you to waste in a frenzy of mania. If you must use a credit card, make sure it has a low cash limit.”— Dean A. Haycock

45. “Avoid putting things off until the last minute. If you can do part of a task on one day and a little more the next, you can avoid rushing around at the last minute to meet a deadline. This can decrease stress.”— Dean A. Haycock

46. “Be aware of the patterns if your history of manic or depressive episodes tends to run in cycles. For example, if mania typically followed depression, you should be prepared for the possibility that you are vulnerable to mania or hypomania if you have recently been feeling down.”— Dean A. Haycock

47. “If you feel you are sliding into a manic or hypomanic state, consider taking time off from work in the form of sick days or vacation until your mood can be stabilized.”— Dean A. Haycock

48. “Seasonal changes are sometimes associated with dramatic mood swings in some people with mood disorders. Be especially careful to avoid high-energy behavior during such times.”— Dean A. Haycock

49. “Become familiar with the warning signs that seem to apply especially to you. They could help you avoid a manic episode. They may be found in your thinking patterns, feelings, and changes in the way you act.”— Dean A. Haycock

50. “The general impressions of other people — coworkers, acquaintances, friends, or family — can give you a hint that something might be happening to you that may require medical attention.”— Dean A. Haycock

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Emotions worksheets

By Hadiah

Hadiah is a counselor who is passionate about supporting individuals on their journey towards mental well-being. Hadiah not only writes insightful articles on various mental health topics but also creates engaging and practical mental health worksheets.

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