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Top 21 Quotes About Indecisiveness

Quotes About Indecisiveness

This post contains some of the best quotes about indecisiveness.

Quotes About Indecisiveness

1. “…indecision is the condition to which we subject ourselves when we do not want to, or cannot decide.” – Joseph Bikart

2. “Indecisiveness can result when we have two desires in conflict with each other – the head/heart opposition is best known, but other binaries are also possible, such as work/play, long-term/short-term or affordability/quality. Careful weighing of true priorities, applying intuition as well as logic, is the optimum way forward.” – Joseph Bikart

3. “Perhaps the “cutting off” of decision making could equally refer to the freedom we gain once we have severed the shackles of indecisiveness and procrastination.” – Joseph Bikart

4. “The purpose of all of this (left hemisphere’s way of choosing denial or repression over considering an anomaly) is to impose stability on behavior and to prevent vacillation because indecisiveness doesn’t serve any purpose. Any decision, so long as it is probably correct, is better than no decision at all. A perpetually fickle general will never win a war.” ― V.S. Ramachandran

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5. “However, the most extreme incarnation of indecision must be Ivan Goncharov’s protagonist Oblomov, in the novel of the same name. Oblomov is a young Russian nobleman who, throughout his life, is incapable of making decisions, or engaging in any meaningful activity. As a result, he spends most of his time in his room or his bed, something he blames on a rare form of apathy he calls “oblomovitis”.” – Joseph Bikart

6. “Indecisiveness is the number one reason for failure. Lack of ability to make a decision in a timely manner causes most people to fail with their projects and plans. Identify this challenge and decide to no longer let it be a setback from your success.” ― Farshad Asl

7. “…procrastination – like the broader quality of indecision – can have other sources. One of them is the pursuit of perfection.” – Joseph Bikart

8. “A person’s greatest limitations are not genetic, but imposed by self-doubt, insecurities, indecision, and timidity.” ― Kilroy J. Oldster

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9. “Fear of failure is expressed in negative goal-setting, indecisiveness, and fear of adverse consequences” ― Sunday Adelaja

10. “The ultimate defence mechanism to justify indecisiveness is the process by which not deciding becomes who we are. This behaviour protects us because, as it infiltrates our character, we are unlikely to be solicited for decisions by others, let alone make them ourselves.” – Joseph Bikart

11. “Indecision and fear can cripple any chances of succeeding and lead to maelstroms of regret that fuel our most fantastic nightmares.” ― Kilroy J. Oldster

12. “If you have ever felt inadequate, paralyzed between options and unable to decide, you are not an indecisive person. You are a person who lacks decisive skill sets!” ― Emiljano Citaku

13. “Turns out chronic indecision is a complaint for a huge number of ostensibly normal people. Of course the argument could be made that indecisiveness is precisely why they seem so normal. They’re tractable—they’re putty. But what these people are telling us, very consistently, is that chronic indecision is no picnic on the inside.” – Benjamin Kunkel

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14. “Inaction is the biggest failure” ― Kalpesh Jain

15. “Indecisive people are the most troublesome and frustrating type of persons.” ― Kilroy J. Oldster

16. “I don’t know what afflicts me now. Indecisiveness? Reluctance? Fear of being vulnerable? I am not a coward, at least. Fear isn’t equivalent to cowardice. Even a soldier deployed at the border fears bullet, which is exactly why he is able to dodge the enemy and eliminate them.” ― Abhaidev

17. “Indecisiveness or the inability to act only invites disaster or undesirable results over the long run.” ― Steven Redhead

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18. “That’s part of the reason people tend to be indecisive. We feel that we are putting ourselves – our intelligence, creativity, fitness, musical talents, you name it – on the line when we make a decision. For every positive reaction to a decision, there is a negative one, whether real or imagined. We absolutely hate the idea of being looked at in a negative manner, even if we’re completely right.” – Peter Hollins

19. “We’re indecisive because we don’t want to be judged negatively. It’s often a confidence issue as opposed to a pickiness issue.” – Peter Hollins

20. “When you are trying to make a choice, often-indecisive people are paralyzed because they want to squeeze every ounce of potential or joy out of something.” – Peter Hollins

21. “If something checks all your boxes, that’s all you need to beat your indecision. When you aim for perfection, you also tend to start running up against the law of diminishing returns, which states that the amount of effort you put into something isn’t worth the return you gain anymore.” – Peter Hollins

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How to Overcome Indecisiveness?

Overcoming indecisiveness can be a process, but with patience and practice, you can develop the skills to make decisions more confidently. Here are a few steps to help you overcome indecisiveness:

1. Identify and understand your fear: Sometimes indecisiveness stems from a fear of making the wrong choice or a fear of change. Take some time to reflect on what specifically makes you hesitant and try to understand why it holds you back.

2. Gather information: Make sure you have all the relevant facts and information about the decision you need to make. The more informed you are, the easier it will be to weigh the pros and cons.

3. Set clear goals: Determine what you want to achieve with your decision. Having a clear understanding of your goals can help you focus and prioritize which options align with your objectives.

4. Break it down: If you’re overwhelmed by a big decision, break it down into smaller, more manageable steps. This can make the process feel less daunting and allow you to tackle each part individually.

5. Trust your instincts: While it’s important to gather information, don’t discount your gut feelings. Trust yourself and your intuition. Sometimes, your initial reaction can provide valuable insights.

6. Consider the worst-case scenario: Think about the potential outcomes of each option, including the worst-case scenario. Often, we realize that even the worst outcome is manageable, which can alleviate some of the fear that holds us back.

7. Seek advice and support: Discussing your options with trusted friends, family, or mentors can provide different perspectives and help you gain clarity. However, remember that the final decision rests with you.

8. Take small steps: If you’re unsure, consider taking small steps towards a decision rather than committing fully right away. This can help you gradually build confidence and adapt as you go along.

9. Embrace uncertainty: Understand that not every decision will have a clear-cut right or wrong answer. Embrace the possibility of uncertainty and view it as an opportunity for growth and learning.

10. Practice decision-making: Like any skill, decision-making improves with practice. Start making small decisions more confidently and gradually work your way up to bigger ones.


Overcoming indecisiveness takes time, so be patient and kind to yourself throughout the process.

By Hadiah

Hadiah is a counselor who is passionate about supporting individuals on their journey towards mental well-being. Hadiah not only writes insightful articles on various mental health topics but also creates engaging and practical mental health worksheets.

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