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Autism Resources For Adults (Information, Podcasts, TED Talks, Books)

Autism Resources For Adults

Below are autism resources for adults.

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Autism Resources For Adults


While only a medical professional can accurately give a diagnosis, the internet has made it easy to take online screenings that can help give you a better idea of whether or not you have Autism.


They include national organizations, parent-written blogs, resources for siblings, etc.

NHS Sensory Processing Hub — Here you can find a range of useful resources to view or download.

Autism Society — resources on living with autism, the latest research, and opportunities for involvement.

Autism Consortium — includes information on the latest scientific developments and a famous annual research symposium.

Autism Women’s Network — site geared specifically for women, includes real-life blogs.

Dads 4 Special Kids — for fathers who are raising kids with special needs, includes Emergency and Disaster Preparedness Plan for families.

Sibling Support Project — includes resources, activities, games, and support groups for siblings of kids with special needs.

AutismWeb – the site offers training methods, special diets, and books on how to care for a child with autism.

Autism Now — the site provides information to help people with autism transition into the classroom, into the workforce, and into the community.

Financial Aid for Disabled Students — provides information and listings for scholarships and grants for students with disabilities.

Jobs for Autism — lists job resources for young adults with autism, and includes information on applying and independent living.

Autism Adventure Travel — it’s a travel service that helps to plan vacations for special needs families.

eSpecialMatch — a social media network (similar to Facebook), where families and people with special needs can connect with organizations, professionals, and each other.

Special Kids Photography of America – the site includes a directory of photographers who are specially trained to work with children with special needs.

The Third Glance – a blog where a young female PhD student, who also happens to have autism, shares her life, how she interacts with other students, and how she lives independently.

First Signs — a site that links parents to research universities doing autism-related studies and looking for participants.

Helpful Ways to Deal with Sensory Problems– Plus a Free Download

How to Create the Perfect Sensory Room for Your Child


Sensory Matters | Sensooli

Sensory Matters is a weekly podcast featuring expert interviews from the world of Sensory Seeking, Stimming & Autism. Supporting the World‘s Number 1 community of Sensory Seekers at sensooli.com this show is all about helping sensory seekers, avoiders carers and professionals with useful, interesting and inspiring stories. Find out more at, sensooli.com

1800 Seconds on Autism | BBC Radio

From home and family to humour and epic geekiness, this is a funny and enlightening podcast about thinking differently. With autistic hosts Robyn Steward, Jamie Knight and guests.

Not Neurotypical | Laura Zdan

A genuine and brutally honest account (in real-time) of Laura Zdan’s late diagnosis journey as she navigates the complexities that she may be on the spectrum.


How Autism Freed Me: Rosie King

What We Know (and What We Don’t Know Yet): Wendy Chung

What I’ve Learned From My Autistic Brothers : Faith Jegede

The World Needs All Kinds of Minds: Temple Grandin

A Word Game To Communicate In Any Language: Ajit Narayanan


Autism Resources For Adults

By Hadiah

Hadiah is a counselor who is passionate about supporting individuals on their journey towards mental well-being. Hadiah not only writes insightful articles on various mental health topics but also creates engaging and practical mental health worksheets.

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