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Top 25 Friendship Forgiveness Quotes

Friendship Forgiveness Quotes

This post contains some of the best friendship forgiveness quotes.

Friendship Forgiveness Quotes

1. “A broken friendship that is mended through forgiveness can be even stronger than it once was.” ― Stephen Richards

2. “It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend.” ― William Blake

3. “People have to forgive. We don’t have to like them, we don’t have to be friends with them, we don’t have to send them hearts in text messages, but we have to forgive them, to overlook, to forget. Because if we don’t we are tying rocks to our feet, too much for our wings to carry!” ― C. JoyBell C.

4. “It’s essential in forgiving to be aware of your feelings. You can see the effects of too much emotion in the violence caused by anger. Each time you bring up anger and hostility your whole physiology goes into stress, which continues to activate the reactive brains.” – Dr. Jim Dincalci

5. “Just like with any other emotional work, there is no finite endpoint in forgiveness. We may end up back in the process at any time, having to work through things yet again. And that’s OK.” – Faith G. Harper

6. “Justice has nothing to do with forgiveness.” – Faith G. Harper

7. “Legal accountability is separate from forgiveness. It’s about what is owed to society for crimes committed, not what is owed to victims.” – Faith G. Harper

8. “Merely deciding to forgive can open you to false forgiveness, where you have the intention yet still hold resentment and may even seek retribution in some way.” – Dr. Jim Dincalci

9. “More often than not, we’re self-righteous about what we think and feel. We become quick to judge and slow to forgive. We believe what we believe, and we stubbornly stick to it.” – Iyanla Vanzant

10. “Openness to forgiving occurs by recognizing that anger is not working. In making the decision to forgive, you are taking back the power that the offending person or situation has stolen from your life.” – Dr. Jim Dincalci

11. “People who oppose forgiveness see it as weakness. Actually, it requires extraordinary courage. “The weak can never forgive.” – Dr. Jim Dincalci

12. “People will say that it’s not right to forgive a person because then there will be no consequence for what they have done. The unforgiven person has broken your personal, familial, or cultural rules of behavior. Where is the justice when you have been wronged, yet you have to forgive? This is all true. However, you would not need to forgive if you did not have an expectation that includes a punishment or some repentance for the offender’s behavior. The emotional effect of that desire is the problem.” – Dr. Jim Dincalci

13. “Releasing often requires forgiveness work when our anger and resentment have become a long-standing, unresolvable emotional pattern within ourselves.” – Faith G. Harper

14. “Remember—you know you have forgiven when he or she has harmless passage through your mind.” – Dr. Jim Dincalci

15. “Research conducted at prestigious universities shows that forgiveness results in an increase in cardiovascular functioning, lowering both blood pressure and heart rate. Findings also include an increase in psychological and emotional well-being, less anxiety and stress, reduction in depression and hopelessness, less anger, more confidence, and higher self-esteem.” – Dr. Jim Dincalci

16. “So many physical health issues have been correlated with the inability to forgive. The list is endless (increased cortisol levels, autoimmune issues, heart issues, etc.) but essentially, the inability to forgive keeps the body in a chronic state of inflammation.” – Faith G. Harper

17. “Sometimes you must make a conscious decision to forgive while you are in this process. This decision is an act of will made as a solid commitment to your highest self, which will carry you through difficult emotional terrain.” – Dr. Jim Dincalci

18. “The act of forgiving is letting go of what you feel another owes you.” – Dr. Jim Dincalci

19. “The debate to forgive or not has been going on for eons. Revenge, not forgiveness, fills our TV screens and movies. This is due to the two parts of the survival drive discussed above, it is really the split between our highest and true self, vs. our basic survival-self.” – Dr. Jim Dincalci

20. “The only true way to create a more loving, productive, and fulfilling life is by forgiving the past. Releasing the past restores us to the full energy of the present moment.” – Iyanla Vanzant

21. “The question of right and wrong seems vital. If you feel you were wrong and the other was right, you do not need to forgive the other. When you feel right and justified in your anger, you will have difficulty in your personal and family life.” – Dr. Jim Dincalci

22. “Though forgiveness may be an act of compassion for someone who is gone or deceased, it is mainly to relieve you of the self-inflicted torture of hate and anger.” – Dr. Jim Dincalci

23. “True forgiveness frees your heart, soul, and mind.” – Dr. Jim Dincalci

24. “We forgive all the time to offset the errors that we know happen as human beings. We have relatively smooth functioning on our roads, in our cities, and at our workplaces because people are forgiving. If they were not, we would have full-blown chaos and violence.” – Dr. Jim Dincalci

25. “We may not know how to forgive, and we may not want to forgive; but the very fact we say we are willing to forgive begins the healing practice.” – Louise Hay

Forgiveness Worksheets

Why Forgiveness Is Better Than Revenge?

Choosing forgiveness over revenge allows people to reclaim their own peace of mind and focus on personal growth and well-being.

While revenge may provide a temporary sense of satisfaction, it often leads to more harm than good in the long run.

Forgiveness, on the other hand, offers a lasting sense of liberation and inner peace.

Choosing forgiveness enables one to let go of anger and pain, promoting emotional healing and personal growth.

Holding onto grudges and seeking revenge can consume a person’s thoughts and energy, hindering their own happiness and well-being.

On the other hand, forgiveness opens up space for positive emotions such as peace, understanding, and empathy.

Moreover, forgiveness fosters healthier and more fulfilling relationships. When conflicts arise, forgiving instead of seeking revenge can repair damaged connections and promote reconciliation.

It encourages open communication and creates an environment where both parties can learn from their mistakes and strengthen their bond.

By choosing forgiveness, individuals show compassion and empathy towards others, which in turn can lead to stronger and more harmonious relationships.

Why Is It So Hard To Forgive?

Forgiveness can be difficult for several reasons:

1. Betrayal: If someone has betrayed your trust, it can be hard to let go of the pain and anger you feel towards them.

2. Hurt: When someone hurts us, it can be challenging to forgive them because we don’t want to risk being hurt again.

3. Fear: Forgiveness requires vulnerability, which can be scary. You may fear being hurt again or fear that forgiving someone means you are condoning their actions.

4. Pride: Sometimes our pride can get in the way of forgiveness. We may feel like forgiving someone would mean admitting we were wrong.

5. Misunderstandings: Misunderstandings or a lack of communication can make it challenging to forgive someone. Without an understanding of why someone acted a particular way, it can be difficult to let go of negative feelings.

By Hadiah

Hadiah is a counselor who is passionate about supporting individuals on their journey towards mental well-being. Hadiah not only writes insightful articles on various mental health topics but also creates engaging and practical mental health worksheets.

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