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Resources For Eating Disorder Recovery (Information, Support Groups, Podcasts, TED Talks, Books)

Resources For Eating Disorder Recovery

Below are some of the best resources for eating disorder recovery.

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Resources For Eating Disorder Recovery

Online Eating Disorder Test

While only a medical professional can accurately give a diagnosis, the internet has made it easy to take online screenings that can help give you a better idea of whether or not you have a eating disorder.


National Eating Disorders Association hotline: 1–800–931–2237

Crisis Text Line: 24/7 text line for anyone to anonymously speak to a trained professional about mental health concerns. Text HOME to 741741.

Finding Professional Help

EDReferral.comThe website allows you to search specifically for providers with eating disorders experience near you.

Information and Support

National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders ANAD includes information about eating disorders, how to seek treatment and support groups for people suffering from eating disorders and their families.

National Eating Disorders Association has stories of recovery from eating disorders, information about seeking treatment and additional resources for school professionals and caregivers.

NIMH the website has links to more information about eating disorders.

Proud2Bme: An online community for teens that encourages healthy body image.

Ellyn Satter InstituteAn organization that aims to educate parents about healthy ways to approach food and eating with their children, based upon the writings of dietitian Ellyn Satter.

FEAST (Families Empowered and Supporting Treatment of Eating Disorders): An organization that provides education and support for family members of loved ones with eating disorders.

Manna FundA not-for-profit organization that assists with financial aspects of treatment.

Project HealA not-for-profit organization that offers scholarships for treatment as well as a peer-based mentor network.

Support Groups

NEDA Network of Virtual Support Groups, NEDA: list of virtual support groups for different time zones offered by multiple organizations dedicated to eating disorder recovery across the United States.

The Sanctuary, Beat Eating Disorders: information about an online chat room for U.K. residents recovering from an eating disorder.

Eating Disorder Foundation Support Groups, Eating Disorder Foundationlist of recurring virtual support groups for people recovering from eating disorders, as well as family members and friends who are supporting someone through recovery.

The Alliance Support Groups, The Alliance for Eating Disorders Awareness:  list of virtual support groups and answers to frequently asked questions about what to expect from attending.

Around the Dinner Table Forum, FEAST: online community of parents of eating disorder patients around the world.

Coffee and Conversations for Moms, Rock Recovery:  monthly virtual support group for mothers who are recovering from an eating disorder.

Free Eating Disorder and Mental Health Support Groups, Center for Discovery Eating Disorder Treatment: free platform for peer-based support groups for anyone who has been affected by an eating disorder or seeking mental health support.

Chat Rooms, Beat Eating Disorders: list of chat rooms for people in the U.K. to connect with each other and find support.


The Recovery Warrior Show, Recovery Warriors:  podcast about support and inspiration for people who are recovering from an eating disorder.

The Eating Disorder Recovery Podcast: podcast where hosts discuss the psychology of eating disorders, body image and recovery processes for a variety of eating disorder diagnoses.

ED Matters Podcast: weekly podcast that covers timely topics for people in different age groups and sexual minorities, including recovery while social distancing.

Dietitians Unplugged Podcast: monthly podcast series that features registered dietitians as guests and discusses healthy, body image and intuitive eating practices.

TED Talks

It’s time to do eating disorder recovery differently from Kristie Amadio

What if you have an eating disorder? from Alexa Kalach

Eating disorders: a mental illness, not a lifestyle choice from Viveca Lee

Removing the Stigma of Talking About Eating Disorders from Gabrielle Bernstein

Eating Disorders: When Light is Dark from Anastasia Broder

Learning About Health from Eating Disorders from Raquel Rose


By Hadiah

Hadiah is a counselor who is passionate about supporting individuals on their journey towards mental well-being. Hadiah not only writes insightful articles on various mental health topics but also creates engaging and practical mental health worksheets.

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