This post contains some of the best relationship respect quotes.
Relationship Respect Quotes
1. “A great relationship is about two things: First, appreciating the similarities, and second, respecting the differences.” – Unknown
2. “A perfect relationship takes a lot of practice to work. A lot of sacrifice, pain, regret and honesty. Most of all, it takes a lot of respect.” – Unknown
3. “A real man will respect you even when he’s mad at you. Remember that.” – Unknown
4. “Don’t let someone get comfortable with disrespecting you.” – Unknown
5. “How people treat you with their karma. How you react is yours.” – Wayne W. Dyer
6. “If you are not being treated with respect, don’t be a doormat.” – Robert Rain
7. “If you can’t Respect her, you don’t Deserve Her!” – Udayveer Singh
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8. “If you value a relationship treat it with respect and kindness.” – Unknown
9. “Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.” – Bruce Lee

10. “Long distance relationship will work if two people involve are strong in faith, love and respect for each other.” – Unknown
11. “Love and respect will make any good relationship better.” – Unknown
12. “Men are respectable only as they respect.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
13. “Most good relationships are built on mutual trust and respect.” – Mona Sutphen
14. “Never above you. Never below you. Always beside you. Is the way to build relationship!” – Unknown
15. “One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.” – Bryant H. McGill
16. “Real love is not based on romance, candle light dinner. It is based on respect, compromise, care and trust!!” – Shahzeb Afzal
17. “Relationships are based on four principles: respect, understanding, acceptance, and appreciation.” – Mahatma Gandhi
18. “Respect depends on reciprocity.” – Nyang Proverb
19. “Respect is a two-way street, if you want to get it, you’ve got to give it.” – R.G. Risch
20. “Respect is appreciation of the separateness of the other person, of the ways in which he or she is unique.” – Annie Gottlieb
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21. “Respect is as important as love in a relationship.” – Unknown
22. “Without respect, relationships are lost. We’re all different and if someone can’t value your differences and respect your values and beliefs, then they don’t deserve a front row seat in your life.” – Unknown
23. “Respect is at the root of love. Be still and know that you don’t have to coax anyone to hold you in high regard. When love is intentional and authentic, there will be no anxiety about reciprocity. Connections meant for you won’t be second-guessed or filled with uncertainty. Free yourself from relationships that leave you feeling insignificant.” – Alex Elle
24. “Respect is earned. Honesty is appreciated. Trust is gained and loyalty is returned.” – Auliq Ice
25. “Respect is one of the greatest expressions of love.” – Miguel Angel Ruiz
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26. “Yes, love is vital, especially for the wife, but what we have missed is the husband’s need for respect.” – Dr. Emerson Eggerichs
27. “In your quest to have a thriving marriage, I want to encourage you to make your marriage the safest place possible for your spouse. Why should this be a top priority? Because to get what you want in your marriage—fun, passion, friendship, love, respect, intimacy, deep connection —each heart must be open to the other.” – Jim Daly
28. “The key is respect, respect, respect. Through your actions, through what you say, through what you don’t say, through the way you say it, you respect them and treat them as if they are more important than you.” – Jim Daly
29. “No husband feels fond feelings of affection and love in his heart when he believes his wife has contempt for who he is as a human being. Ironically, the deepest need of the wife—to feel loved —is undermined by her disrespect.” – Dr. Emerson Eggerichs
30. “For so many couples, respect is, indeed, the missing piece of the puzzle.” – Dr. Emerson Eggerichs
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31. “Appreciation gives depth to acceptance: “I admire you; I delight in you; I prize you; I respect you; I acknowledge you and all your potential. I appreciate you as unique.”” – David Richo
32. “If you want to feel really positive about what you have together, you need to start by being courteous and respectful to each other.” – Richard Templar
33. “It takes time because your expectations of the ideal relationship are deeply rooted in your past and you have already spent a long time associating certain behaviors with caring, fairness, and respect.” – Matthew McKay & Patrick Fanning & Kim Paleg
34. “Look for evidence that your partner does care for you, does respect you, does treat you fairly, does have loyalty to the relationship. If you find such evidence, then consider that your partner breaks your rules for some reason other than lack of respect, fairness, and so on.” – Matthew McKay & Patrick Fanning & Kim Paleg
35. “Respect, caring, and fairness are the themes that show up repeatedly when people uncover their most important expectations in a relationship.” – Matthew McKay & Patrick Fanning & Kim Paleg
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36. “The desire for attention is not a desire for an audience but for a listener. Attention means focusing on you with respect, not with contempt or ridicule.” – David Richo
37. “The healthy love is based on mutual respect, on equality, on recognition and appreciation of the other gender, and the affectionate balance of give and take.” – Marc Baco
38. “This is about respecting your partner, treating them kindly, giving them the benefit of the doubt, disagreeing with their viewpoint with friendly interest rather than antagonism, and being able to laugh off mistakes or accidents.” – Richard Templar
39. “Your partner is entitled to your respect and allowed to have their privacy, inhibitions, and physical needs taken into account—vice versa, of course.” – Richard Templar
40. “If she does not respect you, she will replace you.” – Habeeb Akande
41. “If you are not being treated with respect, don’t be a doormat.” – Robert Rain
42. “Love is honesty. Love is a mutual respect for one another.” – Simone Elkeles
43. “Once you take care of people, people respect you.” – George Weah
44. “One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.” – Bryant H. McGill
45. “Real love is not based on romance, candle light dinner. It is based on respect, compromise, care and trust!!” – Shahzeb Afzal
46. “Respect is one of the greatest expressions of love.” – Miguel Angel
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47. “Respect is what we owe; love, what we give.” – Philip James Bailey
48. “Respect out of fear is no respect.” – M. K. Soni
49. “The truest form of love is how you behave toward someone, not how you feel about them.” – Steve Hall
50. “Treat people the way you want to be treated. Talk to people the way you want to be talked to. Respect is earned, not given.” – Hussein Nishah
51. “We will not agree on every issue. But let us respect those differences and respect one another.” – John Lynch
52. “Without communication, there is no relationship. Without respect, there is no love. Without trust, there’s no reason to continue.” – Unknown
53. “Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.” – Robert Holden
54. “In finding love, I think it’s important to be patient. In being in a relationship, I think it’s important to be honest, to communicate, to respect and trust, and to strive to give more than you take.” – Kina Grannis
55. “Self-respect is the cornerstone of all virtue.” – John Herschell
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