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How To Help A Grieving Parent? (+FREE Worksheets For Grief)

How To Help A Grieving Parent?

In this post, you’re going to learn how to help a grieving parent the right way: What to avoid saying and what to say and do instead.

Why Speaking From “The Mind” Doesn’t Work?

Moving on from grief is about healing a broken heart, not a broken brain.

Comments such as, “Don’t feel bad,” and “At least she’s not suffering anymore,” are intellectually accurate. But, for a broken heart, these statements are not only irrelevant, but they are also unintentionally abusive because they belittle the griever’s natural and normal emotions.

Related: Best 21 Grief Journaling Prompts (+FREE Grief Worksheets PDF)

Grief By Association

Grieve is a powerful emotion that affects not only the griever, but everyone around him. This is called grief by association.

You may find yourself feeling many of the same feelings as the griever. If the death was sudden, you may be in shock.

You may even feel angry that the death ever happened.

You may feel uncomfortable and powerless to help the person who’s grieving.

Helping someone who’s grieving, you need to keep in mind two important things:

(1) be there, and

(2) listen

This means not avoiding the person who’s grieving or avoid talking about their loss but rather visit with him, sit with him at lunch or dinner.

Sometimes there is nothing you need to say. The most important thing is to help the griever talk about his loss and externalize his pain.

You can help by keeping the conversation going and asking him how he’s doing.

You might not be able to take on his grief for him, but you can still be his companion on the journey.

In fact, grief is not an event; it’s an ongoing journey that may take months and sometimes years.

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How To Help A Grieving Parent? 6 Things to Avoid Saying to a Grieving Parent

Even with the best of intention, we might end up saying the wrong thing to someone who is grieving.

Unfortunately, a grieving parent is likely to magnify everything that is said (or not said).

What’s worse, is that intense emotions can hyperactivate the memory making the person more likely to remember every detail around the death and the period afterward.

This is a list of things to avoid saying to a grieving parent:

#1. Things That Start With “At Least”

In this case, you try to reason with a parent that their situation could have been worse.


  • At least she’s not suffering anymore.
  • At least you won’t have to take care of her anymore.
  • At least he lived a good, long life.
  • At least you have other children (or can have more).

Related: Grief Comes In Waves: Top 12 Lessons From Grief No One Talks About

#2. Things Suggesting That You Know What They Are Going Through

Grief is a very personal experience. Even if you have experienced a similar loss, you can’t know how your grieving parent is feeling.


  • I know exactly how you feel.
  • My mother passed away last year so I get what you’re going through.
  • You’re in the denial stage. It will pass.
  • You’ll feel better once you get through the first year.

#3. Things to Get Them to Stop Grieving

A grieving parent’s grieving process may be lengthy, but trying to pull him out of their grief, is usually not helpful.


  • You have to let her go.
  • You need to move on.
  • You have to be strong.
  • You have so much to live for.

Related: ACT For Grief and Loss: 6 Powerful Tools and Worksheets to Help You Move Forward with Grief – Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

#4. Things Suggesting That The Loss Is Replaceable

There is no replacement for our loved ones. Trying to get a grieving parent to find a replacement isn’t likely to make their grief any easier.


  • You’re young, you will have more children.
  • You’re beautiful, you will marry again.
  • Are you going to get a new dog?

#5. Statements Containing Judgements

There are especially hurtful.


  • You should be over it by now.
  • Why are you crying? Or why aren’t you crying?
  • Your son wouldn’t want you to be sad.
  • You need to think about your family.
  • I didn’t realize you were so close.

Related: Suicide Grief Stages – How Are They Different? (+10-Step Guide To Grieve Suicide Loss)

#6. Clichés

These clichés are often used when we don’t know what else to say.


  • He’s in a better place.
  • Everything happens for a reason.
  • Time heals all wounds.

What Can You Say Instead?

5 Things You Can Say to Support a Grieving Parent

The truth is, nothing you can say would take a grieving parent’s pain away. But a few kind words can be all a grieving parent needs.

#1. Things That Show Appreciation

Express appreciation and respect toward the deceased loved one.


  • He was such a generous guy; he used to share everything he has…
  • I remember how funny your son was and how he would start a conversation with everyone…
  • Your son helped me out so many times. I remember one time he…
  • It was a real honor to know her.

Related: Resilient Grieving: Best 17 Ways To Manage Grief In The Workplace (+FREE Grief Worksheets)

#2. Things That Provide Positive Reinforcement

This is when you share some of the nice things the deceased person said about the grieving parent.


  • He told me how proud he was of you.
  • She was so grateful to have you as her parent.
  • He absolutely adored you.
  • She used to talk about you all the time.

#3. Things That Provide Emotional Support

This is especially appreciated after some time, when everyone else has gone back to their own lives, or on anniversaries and special occasions.


  • I’m here for you.
  • Call or stop in anytime – my door is always open to you.
  • I’ll check in on you tomorrow.

Related: Grieving Someone Who Is Still Alive – Ambiguous Grief

#4. Offering Help

Even when you suggest for the grieving parent to let you know if they needed anything, they probably aren’t going to reach out when they need something.

It’s appreciated when you take the initiative and check in by phone or in person.


  • I’m on my way to the grocery store. Can I bring you something from there?
  • Do you want some company this afternoon?

#5. Things That Validate Their Emotions

When we feel judged or invalidated, we hide and deny our emotions and avoid talking about them. The more you validate the grieving parent’s emotions, the more likely they are to open up and feel better.


  • Do you want to talk about it?
  • I hear you.
  • I can see how hard this is for you.
  • You’re allowed to cry.
  • It’s okay to be angry.
  • You have every right to feel that way.

Related: Cumulative Grief: How To Cope With Bereavement Overload?

How to Have Meaningful Conversations?

#1. The Processing Conversation

This conversation helps the grieving parent process what happened, their reaction to their loss, and how they are experiencing life in the aftermath of it.

Understanding what happened is the first step toward healing.

To support the grieving parent, you can ask about:

  • What happened?
  • How did their loved one die?
  • What are they going through as a result of their loss?
  • What thoughts they have been grappling with and dwelling on?

Experiencing a major loss will likely leave the grieving parent shocked and confused. Talking about their loss can help them make sense of what happened and ease their shock.

The “processing conversation” is not likely to be one single conversation, but many conversations.

If the grieving person doesn’t want to talk about it, it’s okay. Sometimes opening up is simply a matter of timing and readiness.

Related: 4 Keys To Communicate Effectively With Anyone

#2. The Impact Conversation

Losing a loved one has countless impacts on the grieving person and involves many adjustments.

The goal of an impact conversation is to talk about the impact of the grieving person’s loss on different areas of their life (psychologically, in relationships with others, social life, in family dynamics, professionally, financially)

Here are some questions you can ask to start looking at the impact of their loss:

  • How have your relationships traditions changed?
  • How has this affected you financially?
  • How has this loss impacted you professionally?
  • How has this affected you socially?
  • What further impacts are you worried about — what’s still at stake?

#3. The Identity Conversation

The loss of someone significant changes how the person sees themselves and how they relate to the world, and can create gaps in their identity.

The goal of identity conversation is to help the grieving person make sense of how their loss has affected their sense of self and how they see themselves in the world.

Here are some questions you can ask:

  • What parts of your identity have been affected by your loss?
  • In what ways has this loss affected your self-image?
  • How differently do you see yourself now after your loss as compared to before?
  • In what ways were you defined by the relationship you had with your loved one?
  • How do you see yourself without your loved one?

Related: Top 30 Motherless Daughters Quotes To Help You Feel Less Alone

#4. The Emotional Conversation

The goal here is to help the grieving person understands their feelings surrounding the death of their loved one.

While most people find it uncomfortable to talk about their feelings, especially in times of grief, leaving them bottled up will only lead to further build-up.

We cannot heal what we cannot feel.

To support the grieving parent, you need to help him feel validated and comfortable enough to express them openly.

Here are some questions you can ask to help the grieving parent process their emotions:

  • What emotions have you been experiencing?
  • How have you been handling your emotions? Do you acknowledge or deny them?
  • Do you trust yourself to handle your own emotions?
  • What benefits do you believe are involved in talking about emotions?

Related: Top 35 Grief Affirmations (+FREE Grief Worksheets)

Things You Can Do to Support a Grieving Parent

#1. Be Aware of Disenfranchised Grief

Disenfranchised grief refers to a grief experience that’s not openly acknowledged, publicly mourned, or socially accepted, such as the loss of a pet, perinatal loss, loss of a loved one who is not “blood-related”.

But there is no hierarchy to grief.

The mourner’s grief is as strong and painful as their attachment was to the loved one who died.

The grief following the death of a pet may be stronger than that of the death of a family member.

#2. Don’t Assume That Their Emotional Needs Are Being Met

Often, we assume that a friend or a co-worker who’s grieving has his own needs met by their family and close friends.

That’s not always the case. In fact, oftentimes, family and friends avoid or abandon grievers because they are uncomfortable witnessing the painful process of grief.

Many people don’t know how to support someone who’s grieving so they instead do nothing.

You don’t have to worry about what you should say. Grieving is not about logic, it’s about the heart. You just need to be there and allow the grieving parent to talk about their loss.

#3. Ask How You Can Help

Don’t no for an answer right off.

Many people have a hard time knowing what they want and/or accepting help.

You may make a specific suggestion, like asking if you could babysit the kids, or run an errand for them, or do house chores, etc.

#4. Get Comfortable With Grief Emotions

Acknowledge grief emotions and allow the grieving parent to express them.

Resist the impulse to look the other way, or pretend you didn’t notice that their eyes are red from crying, or change the subject

Rather, tell them you’re sorry and invite them to talk about it.

#5. Attend The Funeral

Funerals are our way of saying goodbye to the deceased loved one. They also help us acknowledge the reality of the loss and begin our grief journey.

Attending the funeral is a great way to support those most impacted by the death, even if you didn’t know the person who died personally.

#6. Help With the Details

After a death, there is a lot to attend to.

Offer your help to plan the funeral and other details following a death, including:

  • make phone calls to friends and relatives.
  • coordinate lodging for out-of-town guests.
  • help write the obituary.
  • select and work with the caterer.
  • run errands, grocery shop.

Here is a checklist for what to do when a loved one dies.

#7. Make a Meal

Mourners usually don’t have enough energy and may find it difficult to manage all the tasks of daily living.

Make a meal for the grieving parent or grocery shop for them.

#8. Listen Without Judgment

Listening without judgment can be difficult, especially when it comes to grief.

This is mainly because feelings can be irrational but also listening to someone who’s grieving can leave us feeling helpless and ineffectual.

Remind yourself that grief is not about logic, it’s about emotions and that the best thing you could give is a compassionate ear.

#9. Take Care of Yourself

Grief is hard on the mourner, but supporting others in grief can also be draining.

It’s important to take care of yourself when supporting a mourner.

Related: 45 Easy Self Care Day Ideas at Home for a Healthy Mind, Body & Soul

Free Printable Worksheets For Grief (PDF)


  • Portions of this article were adapted from the book Conscious Grief & Loss Guide, © 2020 by Lise Leblanc. All rights reserved.
  • Portions of this article were adapted from the book Healing Grief at Work: 100 Practical Ideas After Your Workplace Is Touched by Loss, © 2005 by Lise Leblanc. All rights reserved.

By Hadiah

Hadiah is a counselor who is passionate about supporting individuals on their journey towards mental well-being. Hadiah not only writes insightful articles on various mental health topics but also creates engaging and practical mental health worksheets.

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