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Mania Quotes

Top 50 Mania Quotes

This post contains some of the best mania quotes. What Is Mania? Mania is a psychological state characterized by extreme excitement, excessive energy, heightened mood, and an exaggerated sense of self-confidence. It is a core symptom of bipolar disorder, a mood disorder that involves the alternation between manic and depressive episodes. During a manic episode,

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Body Dysmorphia Quotes

Top 35 Body Dysmorphia Quotes That Will Make You Feel Less Alone

This post contains some of the best body dysmorphia quotes that will make you feel less alone in your recovery journey. What Is Body Dysmorphia? Body dysmorphia is condition that is characterized by an extreme preoccupation with one or more features that others don’t usually notice or find abnormal. People with body dysmorphia usually have

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