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Relationship Security Quotes

Top 21 Relationship Security Quotes

This post contains some of the best relationship security quotes. Relationship Security Quotes 1. “A safe connection involves two people trusting, opening up, and being honest with each other. Yet the second great theme of relationship, after connection, is separateness.”—Henry Cloud & John Townsend 2. “Safe people encourage, value, and nurture the separateness of other […]

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When Someone Criticizes You Quotes

Top 25 When Someone Criticizes You Quotes

This post contains some of the best when someone criticizes you quotes. When Someone Criticizes You Quotes 1. “Emotional abuse includes any nonphysical behavior—both overt and covert tactics—that occur as a pattern over time. These tactics include criticism (insults, name-calling, infantilization), hostility (yelling, silent treatment, verbal aggression), intimidation (posturing, threats), humiliation (using what they know

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