This post contains “Emetophobia Quiz” along with helpful tips on how to overcome emetophobia.
What Is Emetophobia?
Emetophobia is a fear of vomiting.
It is estimated about 0.1% of the population have vomit phobia. (source)
Emetophobia is a mental health condition that is classified as a specific phobia, which involves having a persistent, intense, and irrational fear of an object or situation.
Emetophobia can be a disabling condition and severely limit the lives of those who struggle with it.
Emetophobia Quiz
#1. Do you struggle with a persistent, intense fear of vomiting or seeing someone vomiting?
#2. Do you tend to actively avoid seeing vomiting in movies or real life or endure it with intense fear?
#3. Do you tend to obsess over avoiding anything that smells bad?
#4. Do you frequently obsess over finding bathrooms wherever you go, just in case?
#5. Do you tend to rearrange your life to avoid the possibility of being sick (e.g. avoiding eating outside, avoiding places or activities that can make you feel nauseous, etc.)?
#6. Is your fear of vomit causing significant distress or impairing important areas of functioning (social, occupational, etc.)?
We will not sell your information. All results are kept confidential.
This quiz is for informational purposes only. It is not meant as a diagnostic or assessment tool.
The questions above represent common signs of emetophobia. If you answered yes to most of these questions, then emetophobia may be a problem for you.
They may end up avoiding a lot of ordinary activities and places that they fear may cause them to vomit, in a way that limits their lives.
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How to Overcome Emetophobia?
#1. Identify Your Triggers
Identify situation, activities, or physical sensations that can trigger your phobia.
Some common triggers include:
- Learning that a coworker is sick
- Seeing a character in a movie or on TV vomiting
- Smelling something bad
- Seeing something in the street that resembles vomit
- Experiencing a stomach upset
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#2. Explore Your Fears
Ask yourself, “What do I fear will happen if I vomit or see someone else vomit?” or, “What danger do I need to protect myself from here?”
Most people fear loss of control or some catastrophe, like going insane or vomiting endlessly.
Although you may recognize that these catastrophes are unlikely to happen, you may not feel so certain when you’re anxious.
Remind yourself that even if you have vomited in the past or have seen others vomit, you’ve actually survived and lived to tell the tale.
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#3. Don’t Reinforce Your Phobia
We reinforce our fears when we avoid them.
Doing this reinforces two messages in our brain:
- You validate the thought that you are in danger
- You reinforce the belief that you can’t handle the pain and therefore you must escape it.
The more you validate those beliefs, the bigger your phobia grows. This cycle continues onward and grows out of control.
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#4. Desensitize Yourself
Cognitive behavioral therapy CBT is commonly used when treating specific phobias. One main CBT method is called exposure therapy.
It is possible to become less and less affected by your phobia with exposure.
This method involves confronting the fear in small, incremental steps, in a controlled and safe environment.
For example, you may start exposing yourself by talking about vomiting, building to looking at pictures of things that resemble vomit. From there, you may be able to look at pictures or watch videos of vomit and so on.
Related: CBT For Phobias – Top 7 Phobias To Overcome For Good Using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
#5. Reach Out For Professional Help
Emetophobia can be treated with the help of a mental health professional.
Psychologist Locator and the National Register are two websites for locating psychologists in the USA.

Can emetophobia affect daily life and functioning?
Emetophobia can certainly impact daily life and functioning.
Individuals with emetophobia may experience significant distress and anxiety in situations or environments that they perceive as carrying a risk of vomiting or being exposed to others who may vomit.
This fear can lead to avoidance behaviors, such as avoiding certain foods, social gatherings, or public transportation.
It can also affect relationships, occupational performance, and overall quality of life.
Are there specific triggers for emetophobia?
Triggers for emetophobia can vary from person to person.
Common triggers may include witnessing others vomiting, hearing vomiting sounds, or perceiving situations that are perceived as having a higher risk of vomiting, such as being in crowded places or eating certain foods.
Some individuals may develop specific rituals or compulsions aimed at preventing vomiting or avoiding triggers.
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Can emetophobia cause physical health problems?
While emetophobia primarily involves intense fear and anxiety, it can indirectly lead to physical health problems.
For example, excessive anxiety and stress associated with emetophobia can contribute to digestive issues, such as stomachaches, nausea, and changes in appetite.
Additionally, avoidance of certain foods or situations may lead to nutritional deficiencies over time.
Is it possible to live a fulfilling life with emetophobia?
Yes, it is absolutely possible to live a fulfilling life with emetophobia.
Treatment options such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or exposure therapy can be highly effective in helping individuals manage their fears and regain control over their lives.
Learning coping strategies, gradually facing fears, and developing a support network are all important steps toward living a fulfilling life despite the presence of emetophobia.
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Can emetophobia be completely cured?
While there is no definite “cure” for emetophobia, many individuals with emetophobia experience significant improvement and reduction in their symptoms with appropriate treatment.
Therapy approaches like CBT, exposure therapy, and relaxation techniques can help individuals gain control over their fears and reduce the impact of emetophobia on their lives.
It’s important to remember that progress varies from person to person, and treatment outcomes depend on individual circumstances and commitment to therapy.
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