This post contains some of the best mood swings quotes.
Mood Swings Quotes
1. “Have you ever noticed how some people seem to shift between different emotions and often rather quickly? Although such a thing isn’t very common, it is still deserving of attention as an individual may not be in the ideal state of mind and is therefore in need of help. These conditions are known as mood swings”— Chantal Jones
2. “By tracing dramatic mood swings, we can gather valuable clues that unlock many of the mysteries of human motivation. Simply ask yourself, “When I think about that undone task, what thoughts immediately come to mind?” Then write those thoughts down on a piece of paper. What you write will reflect a number of maladaptive attitudes, misconceptions, and faulty assumptions. You will learn that the feelings that impede your motivation, such as apathy, anxiety, or the sense of being overwhelmed, are the result of distortions in your thinking.”— David D. Burns
3. “Insecurity can trigger vicious mood swings.”— Chantal Jones
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4. “Living with someone who has a history of intense mood swings may bring long-term problems in relationships, ranging from repeated struggles to forgive indiscreet or ill-judged actions during manic episodes, to being overprotective and trying to wrap a person in cotton wool in the hope that this will prevent their ever experiencing another mood swing.”—Jan Scott
5. “A mood swing is defined as the change in a person’s emotional state. Everyone can have them and occasional mood swings are considered normal. However, some people’s mood swings are so extreme that they are overcome by anger then fall into complete hopelessness in seconds. These emotions can come too quickly and make people emotionally unstable.”—Chantal Jones
6. “Depression can mimic a great number of medical disorders because your mood swings often create a wide variety of puzzling physical symptoms. These include, to name just a few, constipation, diarrhea, pain, insomnia or the tendency to sleep too much, fatigue, loss of sexual interest, light-headedness, trembling, and numbness. As your depression improves, these symptoms will in all likelihood vanish.”— David D. Burns
7. “Mania is a mood swing that is described by racing thoughts and quick successions of ideas. People with this type of mood swing cannot stay still and often talk fast. They are also fond of making elaborate plans.”—Chantal Jones
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8. “Some individuals find that once their acute symptoms have settled, or medication has reduced the intensity of their mood swings, they are able to use their own problem-solving skills and start to cope on their own with the challenges ahead. Others are able to work through these issues by talking with people from their social network, or through contact with other individuals involved in self-help or similar organizations. Mental health professionals can also offer education and support to help an individual to adjust to what has happened to them.”—Jan Scott
9. “Hormone and neurotransmitter imbalances are the usual cause of mood swings. Mood swings change how the body works. When body chemistry is altered, people lose their rationality and this can lead to mood swings.”—Chantal Jones
10. “As well as a degree of perfectionism, other common themes in the beliefs of individuals who experience mood swings are a desire to be approved of by other people, and a wish to be in control of their lives and important situations.”—Jan Scott
11. “Complicated as mood swings may seem, they are nonetheless treatable conditions.”—Chantal Jones
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12. “People who are prone to mood swings will benefit from moments of solitude and various meditation techniques to help them regroup and get a hold of their emotions.”—Chantal Jones
13. “Mood swings can be triggered by worrying about the future. By focusing on the present situation, a person can be calmer and can get his nervousness into balance.”—Chantal Jones
14. “A common problem for individuals who experience mood swings is that they are not always certain whether they are experiencing a temporary shift in how they feel or whether they are at the start of a ‘high’ or a ‘low’ swing.”—Jan Scott
15. “A person’s underlying beliefs will also influence how they view their mood swings. An individual who believes that ‘I am weak’ may take to the view that their mood disorder is caused by personal inadequacy rather than by the interaction between stress and a biological vulnerability.”—Jan Scott
16. “Yoga’s best benefit is enabling the mind to focus and reduce mood swings.”—Chantal Jones
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17. “We all experience different, sometimes intense, moods in reaction to day-today life events. However, some people experience extreme ups and downs that make it difficult for them to sustain a good quality of life.”— Jan Scott
18. “A close, confiding relationship may actually help prevent a person at risk of mood disorder from experiencing more extreme mood swings.”— Jan Scott
19. “Becoming an expert on the facts about your mood swings enables you to make informed decisions about how to manage your problems.”—Jan Scott
20. “Mood swings do not respect status: individuals from all walks of life and social backgrounds are equally likely to be affected.”—Jan Scott
21. “An individual’s social circumstances may increase or reduce the risk of experiencing more extreme mood swings.”—Jan Scott
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22. “Even situations you might think would create the same mood for everyone – such as losing a job – may, in fact, lead to different moods because of different personal beliefs and meanings.” – Dennis Greenberg and Christine A. Padesky
23. “Thoughts help determine which mood we experience in a given situation. Once a mood is present, we often begin thinking additional thoughts that support and strengthen the mood. For example, angry people think about ways they have been hurt, depressed people think about all the negative aspects of their lives, and anxious people think about danger.” – Dennis Greenberg and Christine A. Padesky
24. “Serotonin is a signaling molecule that plays a crucial role within the gutbrain axis: It is not only essential for normal intestinal functions, such as the coordinated contractions that move food through our digestive system, but it also plays a crucial role in such vital functions as sleep, appetite, pain sensitivity, mood, and overall well-being.” – Emeran Mayer
25. “Today we know about the complexity of gut sensations and the crucial role the vagus nerve plays in transmitting these signals to brain regions like the hypothalamus and limbic brain regions, which in turn influence a wide range of vital functions such as pain, appetite, mood, and even cognitive function.” – Emeran Mayer

26. “A strong support network of family and friends can function as a valuable ally in the battle against mood swings. However, if your allies have their own agendas and their own emotional baggage to lug around, they can compound your problem and trigger mood swings by being a little too helpful. When you begin recruiting your support staff, you need to decide whom you can trust, establish an understanding of everyone’s fears and anxieties, and educate your network about your illness and what they can do to help.” –Candida Fink, MD and Joseph Kraynak
27. “As you work to gain control over your mood swings, it is important not only to recognize your symptoms but also to be aware of your strengths and weaknesses. Knowing your strengths is a tool. You can use them to get through difficult days when medications alone do not make you feel better. Awareness of your weaknesses can help you avoid trouble if you learn to recognize how they may be contributing to your mood swings.” – Monica Ramirez Basco
28. “By identifying the patterns to your mood swings, you can take action to tweak your moods and add a little stability.” –Candida Fink, MD and Joseph Kraynak
29. “Denial and anger can fluctuate back and forth and can even return after you thought you had adjusted to the diagnosis, the illness, and the treatment. The emotions usually resurface when the mood swings recur and disrupt your life.” – Monica Ramirez Basco
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30. “For some people who suffer from depressed mood and negative outlook, improving diet, adding specific vitamin and mineral supplements, and changing eating patterns can make a remarkable difference.” – Jeffrey Rossman
31. “If you are female and your mood swings are related to your menstrual cycle, your gynecologist may suggest hormones to even out your mood. If you have problems with your thyroid, poorly controlled diabetes, or another type of endocrine problem, your physician can work with you to try to resolve mood symptoms. If medical interventions are not enough or if your mood swings are not the result of a biological problem, you may be able to learn how to control your mood swings by making changes in your reactions, your attitudes, or your life situations.” – Monica Ramirez Basco
32. “If you are not sure what worsens your mood swings, ask a family member, a friend, or your doctor or therapist to help you come up with ideas. Those who know you well can probably tell you about the last time your mood went from bad to worse.” – Monica Ramirez Basco
33. “If you are uncertain about the underlying causes of your mood swings and feel hesitant about treatment, talk it over with an expert such as a psychiatrist, social worker, psychologist, counselor, or psychiatric nurse practitioner.” – Monica Ramirez Basco
34. “In people who have mood disorders, shifts into mania or depression can be triggered by taking medications inconsistently or not at all, changes in seasons, illness, or trauma, or they can occur for no obvious reason at all. Once a mood swing starts, however, your reaction to it can make symptoms better or worse.” – Monica Ramirez Basco
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35. “It is human nature to try to make sense of unpleasant events by assigning blame to the person or thing you think caused it to happen. If you have limited self-awareness of the ways in which bipolar disorder affects you, it is easy to draw the wrong conclusion and attribute bad feelings to other people or events rather than to your mood swings. There are ways that you can learn to become more self-aware.” – Monica Ramirez Basco
36. “It is not only stressful or sad events that can trigger mood symptoms. Positive events can have the same effect if they lead to sleep loss, distract you from taking your medication regularly, or fool you into thinking that you are fine and don’t need medication anymore. A good example is having a new baby. If you are a woman who had mood swings before giving birth, you will be more prone to new mood episodes after childbirth. If you are not the new mother but have a new child or a new puppy in your home, disruptions in your sleep can serve as the trigger for mood symptoms.” – Monica Ramirez Basco
37. “It’s hard to think of your mood swings as evidence of an illness, especially when every emotional reaction you have seems perfectly justified, given what’s just happened to you.” –David J. Miklowitz
38. “Keeping yourself from making things worse takes some planning. You have to know what worsens your mood swings and make a commitment to avoid those things the next time you are feeling too high or too low, and you need a reminder of what to avoid and how to avoid it.” – Monica Ramirez Basco
39. “Many different things can trigger mood swings. They can include reactions to upsetting or exciting events, a stressful interaction with a significant other, important news—either good or bad, lack of sleep, hunger, physical illness, or concern for other people.” – Monica Ramirez Basco
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40. “Mood shifts are normal human experiences. They can be reactions to positive or negative events such as successes or losses. They can occur in response to the words and actions of others. They can be driven by biological changes such as alterations in brain chemistry for people with psychiatric disorders, changes in blood sugar for those with diabetes, fluctuation in hormone levels, and physical illness or injury. Mood swings can also be the result of a combination of these forces acting at the same time.” – Monica Ramirez Basco
41. “Mood swings can make you irritable and impatient with others. When they tell you things you already know, you might hear it as nagging. Their advice can seem naive if you think they truly do not understand your situation.” – Monica Ramirez Basco
42. “Mood swings make you more likely to take drugs or alcohol, and drugs or alcohol can worsen your mood swings.” –David J. Miklowitz
43. “Not everyone can recognize his or her own mood swings, at least not right away. It can be much easier to recognize changes in other people’s moods than in your own mood. You can see it in their facial expressions or body language. You can hear it in their tone of voice, choice of words, how loudly they speak, or when they shut down and say nothing at all. You can even judge their mood by their actions. It is harder, however, to notice the same changes in yourself.” – Monica Ramirez Basco
44. “Once a person has accepted the reality of having chronic mood swings it is not unusual to become very distressed and even depressed about it. When the full weight of what it means to have a chronic mental illness that will not go away sinks in, it can be overwhelming. With time and support, this feeling will dissipate, and you can take charge of doing whatever you can to feel better.” – Monica Ramirez Basco
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45. “Physical activity is a powerful antidepressant, and it can be an important part of your overall program for enhancing your mood.” – Jeffrey Rossman
46. “Recognizing that you may be biologically and genetically vulnerable to mood swings and that certain factors are particularly stressful for you is empowering.” –David J. Miklowitz
47. “Sometimes mood swings occur at predictable times. Common examples are depressions that occur during the winter months and manias that occur in the spring. In this case the shifting seasons can serve as triggers for mood swings.” – Monica Ramirez Basco
48. “Sometimes there are no obvious triggers for mood swings. You just wake up feeling bad. You might tell yourself that it is a premonition of bad things to come or that you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, had a bad dream, or got off on the wrong foot. Later in the day you might figure out what is bothering you, but sometimes there is no explanation. You could be just tired or hungry or starting to get physically ill, having hormone fluctuations, side effects from medications, seasonal allergies, or got a haircut you don’t really like. Lots of things can set you off. Even if you can’t pinpoint the trigger, you can learn to recognize the mood swings and do what you can to reduce your symptoms.” – Monica Ramirez Basco
49. “The anniversary of a loss, such as the death of someone important in your life, can trigger significant mood swings. If this kind of trigger always gets you down, it may have something to do with how you cope with it and not just the fact that it occurred.” – Monica Ramirez Basco
50. “The world is full of difficult people and complicated situations. You may always try to do the right thing and say the right thing but still find that you are in a no-win situation. People with severe mood swings often face the challenge of having to deal with difficult people when they are not feeling at their best.” – Monica Ramirez Basco
51. “What does this mean if you suffer from depression? It can be difficult to differentiate between the symptoms of a mood disorder and the malaise caused by poor or inadequate nutrition. If you experience a lack of focus, negative thinking, and an inability to greet the day with enthusiasm, you may describe yourself as depressed. But your symptoms may actually be related to your diet.” – Jeffrey Rossman
52. “When you feel bad but tell others that you are “OK,” you are denying that you have a problem. While you may deny feeling bad to try to reduce your family members’ worry, you are also trying to persuade yourself that nothing is wrong. Rather than resist the idea that you are having mood symptoms, follow your doctor’s treatment advice and learn new skills to control mood swings.” – Monica Ramirez Basco
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53. “When your mood swings and attitude are strong enough, they can have an influence on your choice of actions. For example, an irritable mood and a negative outlook on others can make you snap at others, such as your children or your coworkers, because they seem to be bothering you. An anxious mood and a fearful outlook can keep you from getting information or solving problems because you anticipate a bad outcome. A euphoric mood and a fearless outlook can lead you to take unnecessary risks because you think nothing can go wrong. These are all examples of how your mood can control your choice of actions. Other common examples include isolating yourself from others, acting without thinking, poor decision making, buying things you can’t afford, and self-medicating with alcohol or street drugs.” – Monica Ramirez Basco
54. “When your mood swings upward, you may see evidence that confirms your positive or overly optimistic view and ignore evidence against it even when people disagree with you. An example might include seeing a risky investment opportunity as being a sure bet even though your friends and family say you are being misled or manipulated by others.” – Monica Ramirez Basco
55. “Your mood swings may be noticeable to other people. You might have had the experience of friends or family members telling you that you are “acting bipolar,” are “moody” or “unpredictable,” have “multiple personalities,” or just seem to be a different person depending on the day, the season, or the time of the month.” – Monica Ramirez Basco