This post contains some of the best Pushing People Away Quotes
Pushing People Away Quotes
1. “A depressed person is often a person who will push others away. If you are pushed away and pushed away and pushed away, you have to have an enormous amount of inner resources to keep going back.” — Miriam Toews
2. “And maybe I push you away to see if you care enough to pull me back.” – Unknown
3. “Be careful how far you push me away. I may end up liking it there.” – Unknown
4. “Be mindful of what you throw away, be careful of who you push away, and think hard before you walk away.” — Unknown
5. “Being ignored is probably the most frustrating and annoying thing ever.” – Unknown
6. “By pushing or forcing something upon people, you tend to push people further away.”- Christopher Atkins
7. “Don’t push away the people who truly care about you, because one day they won’t come back.” – Unknown
8. “Don’t push me away. I’m attracted to you.” – Maya Banks
9. “Don’t push someone away and expect them to still be there when you’re ready.” – Unknown
10. “Don’t push that person further who truly value you so much, because one day, from pushing them further, they will never comeback again.”- Jeremy Legend
11. “Don’t take someone for granted just because you know every time you push them away, they always come running back. Cause one day they won’t.” – Unknown
12. “Don’t try to hold people to you, don’t try to push them away. Let life do everything for you. This is the proper attitude on the path of love.” — Frederick Lenz
13. “Each time you pushed me away I came closer to you, so close that I stood on my toes. My toes were sour, I felt like I can’t stand anymore, I was holding on to you then you pushed me so hard that I fell down to the ground. My feet are broken. I won’t be able to walk again… Ever….” – Unknown
14. “Even if you push them away, people who truly love you will always choose to stay.” – Unknown
15. “He leaves me alone in my grief because I’ve made it so hard for him to console me.” — Colleen Hoover
16. “I come running at your smallest call. But if I need you, you don’t come at all. I forfeit sleep to make sure you’re okay but you won’t make time for me any day. We talk when you want, then I’m ignored. I’m left wondering if you just got bored. You push me away knowing I’ll reappear but one of these days, I just won’t be here.” – Unknown
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17. “I don’t draw attention to myself or have security pushing people away.” — Vanessa L. Williams
18. “I don’t get it. You said I’m important to you but you still make me feel that I’m not worth your time.” – Unknown
19. “I fell apart that very day, begging you to stay. You said no and pushed me away. Now this very day, I’m glad didn’t stay.” — Emma Taylor
20. “I fell for you. You fell for me. Our friendship was just meant to be. I asked if you loved me, and you said you did. The next day you said that you wish you never did. I fell apart that very day, begging you to stay. You said no and pushed me away. Now this very day I’m glad didn’t stay.” – Emma Taylor
21. “I have also also considered many scientific plans during my pushing you around in your pram!”- Albert Einstein
22. “I just wanted you to know that it’s not you. It’s me. It’s all me, and if I push you away, it’s because I don’t know how to pull you close. I’m not good with people.” — Jessica Clare
23. “I push everyone I love away. “He shrugged.” I don’t mind you pushing me away if it means you love me, little sister.” — Kristin Cashore
24. “I push people away. That’s my thing.” – Unknown
25. “I was so awash in sensory overload that I was caught completely unaware when he did push me away.” – Richelle Mead
26. “I’ll never stop caring. But if you decide to push me away, I’ll go.” — Unknown
27. “I’m here. I’m always here. it’s been how many years, noah? How long are you going to push me away? I can’t be with anyone else until I get closure from you. So tell me why? Why aren’t we together?…Stop being a little bitch and finally make a choice.” – J.J. McAvoy
28. “I’m not good at love. I’m like a barbed creature. I push everyone I love away.” — Kristin Cashore
29. “If I push you and push you, maybe you’ll learn to dance, but more likely, that will move you away from me.” — Randa Haines
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30. “If one day you notice that we haven’t talked in a while. It’s not because I don’t care anymore, it’s because you pushed me away.” – Unknown
31. “If one day you realize that we’re drifting apart, it’s because you’ve pushed me away.” – Unknown
32. “If you and I had a relationship, and I like to dance and you don’t, will that affect our relationship? If I push you and push you, maybe you’ll learn to dance, but more likely, that will move you away from me.” – Randa Haines
33. “If you push me away, don’t be surprised when you can’t pull me back later.” – Unknown
34. “If you push me away, I promise you, you won’t find me where you left me. My heart is big, but not big enough to deal with people who decide to love me when it’s convenient for them.” – Unknown
35. “If you push someone away long enough, they will finally be far enough away, that even you can’t reach them anymore!” – Unknown
36. “If you start to miss me, just remember that I didn’t walk away…you let go of me.” – Unknown
37. “If you want some advice, honey, stop pushing the boy away. Otherwise, at the end of all of this, he’s going to find a woman who really wants him and doesn’t keep pretending she doesn’t.” — Sam Crescent
38. “It amazes me how easy it can be to push away someone you love.” — Karen Kostyla
39. “The weight from insecurities and jealousy can be toxic and will destroy everything in it’s path, if you allow it… Let go…either release it or move on, but let go and allow your heart to fall in love again…” – Karen Kostyla
40. “It hurts me so much when something is bothering you…It breaks my heart when I see you cry. Its like its takes a piece of my life away. It kills me so much. When you’re silent and you give me that look that something is wrong. But you tell me everything is okay…Only thing I want is to carry all your pain so you can be stress free. And I want to make you smile because ever since you entered my life you are the most important person in my life, and I don’t want to lose you ever. The only thing I ask from you is please don’t push me away……” – Unknown
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41. “It seems like the ones that care for us most, we push away and the ones that don’t give one thought about us are always our main focus.” – Unknown
42. “Love won’t be tampered with; love won’t go away. Push it to one side, and it creeps to the other.” — Louise Erdrich
43. “Maybe I should start pretending like nothing ever happened between us, I mean since it was so easy for you…” – Unknown
44. “My problem is that I push people away and then hate them for leaving.” – Unknown
45. “Never ignore someone that cares for you. Because someday you’ll realize you’ve lost a diamond while you were busy collecting stones.” – Unknown
46. “Never push a loyal person to the point where they no longer care.” – Unknown
47. “Normally, we push away the things we’re scared of.” — Jeff Bridges
48. “Now I understand why you pushed me away. I looked far, and now I see that the only one I needed was me.” — Hilary Duff
49. “Pushing away unwanted feelings and situations equals inviting them to return back with a greater strength.” — Raphael Zernoff
50. “Pushing me away so I give her space dealing with a heart that I didn’t break. I’ll be there for you, I will care for you. I keep thinking you just don’t know.” – Drake
51. “Pushing people away and denying yourself love makes you weak, not strong. Especially when you do it out of fear.” – Unknown
52. “Pushing your partner and showing them more affection than they show you is one of the most common problems in relationships.” — Nitya Prakash
53. “She didn’t know, who would leave or stay. So she pushed them all away.” – Unknown
54. “Some people push people away because they don’t want to get hurt. Some people push people away because they got hurt.” — Unknown
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55. “Someday you’ll find the place. It’s the place where love takes over hater. Then you’ll see all the things you do affect everyone around you. Then you’ll see there’s no fear at all. You held my hand, we took down that wall. As I looked at you with nothing to say. Now I understand why you pushed me away. I looked far and now I see that the only one I needed was me.” – Hilary Duff
56. “Sometimes pushing people away is easier than letting them in.” – Unknown
57. “Sometimes they push you away because they know you deserve better.” – Unknown
58. “Sometimes when I push you away, it’s because I need you to pull me closer.” – Unknown
59. “The person you’re pushing away right now is maybe the person you will need the most someday.” – Unknown
60. “The quickest path to self-destruction is to push away the people you love.” – Cassia Leo
61. “What’s worse than being hated? Being ignored. At least when they hate you, they treat you like you exist.” – Unknown
62. “Whatever comes, don’t push it away. When it goes, do not grieve.” – Mooji
63. “When God hands you a gift, you don’t push it away and tell him ‘later.’” — J.B. Salsbury
64. “When we judge, we are pushing people away; we are creating a wall, a barrier. When we forgive we are destroying barriers, we come closer to others.”- Jean Vanier
65. “While you’re IGNORING her someone else is BEGGING for her attention.” – Unknown
66. “While you’re ignoring her, someone else is begging for her attention.” — Unknown
67. “With you and me, I don’t know what anything means. We’re pushing each other away and yet I don’t seem to be able to let you go.” – Stephanie Witter
68. “You can only push a girl away for so long before she turns and walks away. Make sure it’s what you want because when she leaves, she’s gone forever.” – Unknown
69. “You can’t always be pushing people away. Someday nobody will come back.” — Jacqueline Woodson
70. “You complain about being lonely, but when I was there for you, you completely ignored me.” – Unknown
71. “You just keep pushing. You just keep pushing. I made every mistake that could be made. But I just kept pushing.”- Rene Descartes
72. “You keep pushing me away from you…Maybe because you know I keep waiting…But what if one fine day when you finally have time for me, You realize I am gone?” – Unknown
73. “You know what, I didn’t get it. One moment you push me away, the next you come back and then you push me away all over again. I love you, I still do and I probably will forever because I know you are so worth it, all of it. But it’s hard for me too.” – Unknown
74. “You may not be pushing me away but you’re not fighting to keep me either.” – Unknown
75. “You pushed me away and won’t let me back in. You told me your darkest secrets and your softest truths though I live my life without you I couldn’t live with myself if you took your own.” – Unknown
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