This post contains some of the best inner voice quotes.
What Is Inner Voice?
The inner voice is the internal dialogue that a person has with themselves. It is the voice inside your head that speaks to you, giving you advice, opinions, and commentary on various situations and experiences.
The inner voice can be positive, negative, or neutral, and it can influence a person’s thoughts, emotions, and behavior.
When the inner voice is positive, it can provide encouragement, motivation, and support. When it is negative, it can lead to feelings of self-doubt, anxiety, and depression.
Most people have an inner voice that constantly talks to them throughout the day.
This voice is shaped by a person’s experiences, beliefs, values, and attitudes. It can also be influenced by external factors such as societal expectations, cultural norms, and peer pressure.
By tuning in to their inner voice and consciously identifying its patterns, a person can gain a deeper understanding of their own thoughts and emotions. This can help them to develop greater self-awareness, improve their emotional well-being, and make better choices in life.
Inner Voice Quotes
1. “As important as it is to create a nurturing inner voice (symbolic of a healthy mother), it is equally important to provide yourself with healthy limits (symbolic of a strong father).” – Beverly Engel
2. “Bring up a nurturing inner voice. This is not a harsh, critical, or depriving voice, and it is not an overly sweet, indulging voice. It is a warm, kind voice that cherishes you and accepts you for who you are. In time, this voice will become your own, but for now it can be any voice that meets your needs.” – Beverly Engel
3. “Call up your nurturing inner voice and talk to yourself with compassion and understanding whenever you are being self-critical or powerless.” – Beverly Engel
4. “Conscience is the inner voice that warns us somebody may be looking.” ― H.L. Mencken
5. “Creating a nurturing inner voice can help to soften and balance the negative introject. It is like giving to ourselves the responsive parent that so many of us did not have.” – Beverly Engel
6. “Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.” ― Steve Jobs
7. “Everyone has a critical inner voice, but people who were emotionally abused or neglected tend to have a more vicious and vocal inner critic. Theirs is a pervasive yet often invisible presence in their lives.” – Beverly Engel
8. “Follow your heart, listen to your inner voice, stop caring about what others think.” ― Roy T. Bennett
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9. “Having lets you enjoy what you truly want, as much as you want. It’s when you follow your inner voice that you feel most natural and comfortable.” ― Suh Yoon Lee
10. “I was living my dream, travelling the world and performing concert tours. I do believe that it is important to follow your inner voice. Don’t go with the crowd. Having the right mentors also makes a huge difference.” ― Siow Lee Chin
11. “Listen to that inner voice of yours. It’s not you, but it’s for you.” ― Kiyo Giaozhi
12. “Live a life with inner voice that can definitely gives you inner happiness, joy and right attitude to run the situation.” ― Pranita P Deshpande
13. “Our minds are so much more powerful than we realize. In our quest to quiet the inner voice of heightened self-criticism, our thoughts can heal.” – Denise Jacobs
14. “People expect you to follow their “rules”, to fit in, to be like the others, and when you consciously choose not to and you follow your inner voice, you don’t belong there anymore.” ― Diana-Maria Georgescu
15. “People may doubt you, but never doubt your deep inner call, inner voice and inner strength.” ― Amit Ray
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16. “Practice listening to your intuition, your inner voice; ask questions; be curious; see what you see; hear what you hear; and then act upon what you know to be true. These intuitive powers were given to your soul at birth.” ― Clarissa Pinkola Estés
17. “Remember, self-compassion is a direct antidote to the judge’s poison. The soothing warmth of a nurturing inner voice neutralizes that poison. Tenderness dissolves the harshness and rejection.” – Beverly Engel
18. “The inner voice always had the hard questions.” ― Guy Gavriel Kay
19. “The judging, critical inner voice seems natural, a familiar part of you. But with every negative judgment, every attack, your inner critic weakens you and tears down any good feelings you have about yourself.” – Beverly Engel
20. “The more you listen to your inner voice, the quieter you get. You need to talk in order to create.” ― Meir Ezra
21. “The pathological critic is a term coined by the psychologist Eugene Sagan to describe the negative inner voice that attacks and judges us. A loud, verbose inner critic is enormously poisonous to your psychological health—more so, in fact, than any trauma or deprivation you have experienced.” – Beverly Engel
22. “The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice.” ― Peggy O’Mara
23. “There is nowhere to run, no hiding place to get away from this harsh inner voice. But there is a way to quiet this voice. With careful examination, it is possible to root out the influence of the inner saboteur and talk back to it.” – Beverly Engel
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24. “This ability to self-soothe begins with creating a nurturing inner voice. When you find yourself in a distressful situation, instead of allowing yourself to become overly fearful or to obsess anxiously over what could or could not happen, talk to yourself in a calm, nurturing way (you can do this silently, inside your head, or, if you are alone, you can talk out loud). Say things like “You’re okay” or “You’re going to get through this just fine.”” – Beverly Engel
25. “Unfortunately, to some extent people with a strong inner critic will always be shackled to a negative inner voice. Your job is to diminish the intensity of self-attacks while practicing ways of healthy self-talk.” –
26. “Unfortunately, you cannot permanently quiet your inner critic’s or saboteur’s voice by challenging him or telling him to shut up. This helps at the time, but eventually his voice will return. What you need to do is replace his voice with another voice—a nurturing inner voice that will substitute the critic’s negative messages with positive ones.” – Beverly Engel
27. “When many voices are speaking at once, listen to the one most quiet and gentle. That’s the one worth listening to.” ― Miranda* Linda Weisz
28. “When you pay attention to your inner voice, even if doesn’t sound rational, you may live some of the most important experiences of your life.” ― Diana-Maria Georgescu
29. “With Having, your attention is constantly on your inner voice, so that little bit of comfort and warmth in your mind will grow as your feelings become more clear.” ― Suh Yoon Lee
30. “You will discover that as your healthy inner voice grows stronger, it will respond more quickly, more forcefully, and more believably to the attacks of your critic.” – Beverly Engel
31. “You will never follow your own inner voice until you clear up the doubts in your mind.” ― Roy T. Bennett
32. “Your inner healing will only happen when you ignore the background noise and focus on your inner voice.” ― Gift Gugu Mona
33. “Your inner voice gives you the signals of Having. You already know the answer yourself.” ― Suh Yoon Lee
34. “Your inner voice is subtle, positive, consistent, and peaceful; it springs to life when you pay attention to it, when you show gratitude and trust what’s coming through.” ― Kris Franken
35. When your own inner voice stops you from doing a wrong, you feel good and strong. Demons become weaker and weaker. You have to set aside the heap of morals to find the inner voice buried underneath.” ― Shunya
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- Portions of this article were adapted from the book Healing Your Emotional Self, © 2006 by the Beverly Engel. All rights reserved.