This post contains some of the best limiting beliefs quotes.
Limiting Beliefs Quotes
1. “Confidence is the basis of imagination—which is required for seeing and choosing a future beyond your current capability and circumstances. Confidence reflects your personal belief in what you can do, learn, and accomplish.” – Benjamin Hardy
2. “You believe your viewpoint is objective rather than just a single and limited perspective of an event or experience. This type of thinking creates what Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck calls a “fixed mindset,” which is the belief that you cannot change, grow, or develop in specific areas. It is the belief that your skills, personality, and character are “fixed” traits that are innate and unchangeable.” – Benjamin Hardy
3. “Likewise, you as a person can only be understood in context. If you had grown up at a different time and in a different place, you’d be a different person. You’d have different memories, connections, and beliefs.” – Benjamin Hardy
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4. “Anyone can discover a more fulfilling path. This has nothing to do with age or responsibility, and has everything to do with identifying and unlearning the beliefs that don’t help or empower you to be your authentic self.” – Jonathan Heston
5. “The idea that something is holding you back is, in itself, a limiting belief in your abilities and greatness.” – Jonathan Heston
6. “Identifying and changing these perceptions and beliefs is the fast track to freedom, because it transforms you.” – Jonathan Heston
7. “This is an inside look into the dark ways that limiting beliefs are formed: from the confusing stories our minds tell us, to traumatizing events from our childhood, to our preprogrammed responses to emotions.” – Jonathan Heston
8. “While limiting beliefs themselves are fairly simple, understanding the entire picture of where they come from and why we have them is not. That is why we get stuck. We don’t understand the context of our thoughts, so we are led to a deepening abyss of confusion and self-doubt.” – Jonathan Heston
9. “Limiting beliefs then, are partially the stories our mind feeds us which limit who we are and where we want to go. They disempower, instead of empower us.” – Jonathan Heston
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10. “If negative emotions keep “popping up” at random times, what type of stories will our minds create? Limiting ones. Each time they show up, our minds will attempt to explain them. Hence, we create a whole new set of limiting beliefs.” – Jonathan Heston
11. “Limiting beliefs can surface in every area of your life. Some of them give many clues about the root cause, and some of them are so hidden that you will likely not be able to find them without a close friend, mentor, or coach helping you uncover them.” – Jonathan Heston
12. “You might even have a layered set of a few different beliefs limiting you in an area. This “layering” happens over time, when you continually try to break free of a limiting belief, yet fail, causing you to build “reasons” and beliefs for being stuck.” – Jonathan Heston
13. “When you identify areas where you continually have a struggle, you have found areas where you are likely dealing with a strong limiting belief or set of limiting beliefs.” – Jonathan Heston
14. “Anyone driven by a deep mission will always face areas of discomfort and stretching. However, a limiting belief will cause what should be a simple stretching of one’s comfort zone to be paralyzing uncomfortable.” – Jonathan Heston
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15. “You likely have subtle limiting beliefs keeping you stuck in the cult of comfort. At one point you worked past your discomfort to get where you are, but the longer you settled, the more you became detached from your life mission, and the more you got lulled by your current success or comfort.” – Jonathan Heston
16. “Courage is your natural setting. You do not need to become courageous, but rather peel back the layers of self-protective, limiting beliefs that keep you small.” ― Vironika Tugaleva
17. “What you believe your future holds for you impacts your attitude, decisions and success.” ― Maddy Malhotra
18. “You don’t know who you are; you just know what they’ve told you about who you are!” ― Maddy Malhotra
19. “It is actually much easier, once you understand limiting beliefs, to live fully alive than only half alive.” – Jonathan Heston
20. “The great news is that existing beliefs can be deconstructed, and new beliefs fashioned. By hacking limiting beliefs, thoughts can be leveraged for our massive advantage, exponentially increasing freedom and powerful beliefs.” – Jonathan Heston
21. “Remember, your beliefs do not determine your worth.” – Jonathan Heston
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22. “After identifying a negative belief you’d like to change, you need to examine it for other related beliefs that keep it in place because those will also have to be addressed. Mistaken beliefs tend to generate others.” – Gina Lake
23. “All of us know that a belief is confidence or trust in something. But most of us do not realize that beliefs are not necessarily based on a rational ground.” – Jack Thomas
24. “Belief is the energy behind the placebo effect. However, this psychological power isn’t seen just in remarkable placebo studies and infrequent cases of spontaneous recovery. Your beliefs operate for or against you daily in each area of your life.” – Jack Thomas
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25. “Beliefs are what you believe to be true. A belief system is a set of or a group of beliefs that create a system and influence how you think, feel, and behave. What if you think, feel, and behave in a certain way? Obviously, you will achieve a certain result. But what if the result is not what you want? Then you have to change your belief.” – Jack Thomas
26. “Beliefs should be respected and honored, but they must also be inspected carefully. A belief is just a generalization. If you take the risk that you may be thinking things which are really holding you back, then you have taken the first step toward altering your behavior, your entire body, and your own life.” – Jack Thomas
27. “Beliefs that have strong feelings tied to them don’t stay in the realm of thought but spill out into reality through action. Beliefs fueled by feelings often cause people to harm themselves and others. Because negative feelings are uncomfortable, people often try to get rid of them by acting them out.” – Gina Lake
28. “But changing belief at the conscious level is not enough, you have to change your belief in the subconscious mind! Change your subconscious belief, change your life!” – Jack Thomas
29. “Changing or altering your belief about an area or thing you want to change or improve in your life is essential for moving forward because if you try and fight the current belief while also trying to move forward it will be like riding a bike with the brakes on.” – Jack Thomas
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30. “Feelings also make reprogramming negative beliefs a challenge. When a belief has strong feelings attached to it, that belief feels very true. Feelings make beliefs especially believable. Feelings feel much more real than thoughts. Feelings cause physical reactions in the body and motivate actions. They are, in fact, the fuel that translates thought into action.” – Gina Lake
31. “Getting free of our conditioning is a two-fold task: We can free ourselves from our negative beliefs by reprogramming our mind with positive beliefs. We can also get free by seeing that all of our beliefs are just conditioning and that that conditioning doesn’t have to be what determines our actions and reactions.” – Gina Lake
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32. “Giving up certain beliefs feels frightening because you don’t know who you’ll be without them. Even if they haven’t served you well, at least you know who you have been. Not knowing what life will be like without certain beliefs or how you will behave is frightening, so frightening that we often cling to negative beliefs because even they feel better than the unknown.” – Gina Lake
33. “If you observe an inner resistance every time you consider pursuing an idea, learning a skill, or doing anything you truly wish to do, that’s because of the fears and limiting beliefs you have created over the years.” – Jack Thomas
34. “Many beliefs cause problems for us and cause us to feel contracted, but the most detrimental (and untrue) ones come charged with negative feelings.” – Gina Lake
35. “Most of our core beliefs are developed during our childhood and are not supported by logical proofs. They stay in our subconscious and guide our perception and behavior without us knowing it. Our childhood irrational beliefs control most of our behavior even today. Sounds funny?” – Jack Thomas
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36. “Once you’ve uncovered each belief, it’s helpful to find a statement that will counteract or neutralize it. The best statement isn’t always the opposite of the belief or the negation of it. Sometimes, the opposite belief (e.g. “I’m lovable” instead of “I’m not lovable”) is too big a leap for the unconscious mind and therefore unbelievable.” – Gina Lake
37. “Our belief system acts as a filter through which we process our experience and perceive the outer world. It is through this filter that we act upon our surroundings in return. In simple words, it is due to our beliefs that the things, situations, experiences make sense to us, and it is our beliefs that govern the way we behave.” – Jack Thomas
38. “Our belief system is a cohesive set of mutually dependent beliefs. One belief supports the viability of the other, and it proceeds as a chain of beliefs and resulting thoughts and ideas. You can also visualize the belief system as a hierarchical set of beliefs where basic beliefs act as the roots and the dependent thoughts as the child nodes.” – Jack Thomas
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39. “Our beliefs have a powerful impact on our experience of life. They filter our perceptions. For example, if you believe that love is everywhere, which it is, then you’ll experience that. If, on the other hand, you believe that evil is everywhere, that is what you’ll see, no matter how much love is in front of your eyes.” – Gina Lake
40. “Some beliefs are a lot more powerful than others. With the potential exception of religious beliefs, individuality beliefs are the most powerful of all. It’s possible to spot a belief in your individuality by what you say after “I’m.” “I’m an overeater” is an identity notion.” – Jack Thomas
41. “Some beliefs that drive our behavior negatively are unconscious. This is especially true of addictions and compulsions.” – Gina Lake
42. “Subconscious beliefs are always more powerful than conscious beliefs, in part because they operate under the surface, and we usually don’t know they are there—but they still direct our actions. In fact, if you have two opposing beliefs, one conscious and the other subconscious, the subconscious belief will always dominate.” – Jack Thomas
43. “Think about beliefs as psychological applications installed in your mind that take in raw information through your perceptions and apply significance to it. If you see that, “My weight has not changed this week,” you might think, “This implies that this diet does not work and I will never get rid of the weight.”” – Jack Thomas
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44. “Those beliefs have been there for a very long time, so we can’t expect them to disappear the instant we first see them, but seeing them repeatedly in this way, with compassion and acceptance, eventually allows them to release their hold on us.” – Gina Lake
45. “To discover the beliefs behind a negative feeling, we have to be willing to be with that feeling without repressing it or expressing it. This takes awareness, will, and commitment to uncovering the truth and freeing ourselves from those beliefs.” – Gina Lake
46. “We are programmed to be fearful and self-centered, and we are programmed with and acquire all sorts of false beliefs that often cause us to react detrimentally and irrationally. These reactions eventually expose our false beliefs because the reactions cause problems, and we learn from the suffering caused by them.” – Gina Lake
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47. “We are what we believe ourselves to be (so true is this statement).” – Jack Thomas
48. “We evolve because the suffering caused by our mistaken and negative beliefs causes us to question them. We eventually discover that life goes more smoothly when we hold more positive and true beliefs and when we live from love and unity instead of fear and separation.” – Gina Lake
49. “When we are identified with the ego, it seems like our beliefs protect us and keep us safe. We believe we need them to function, so dismissing certain beliefs can feel dangerous. We are afraid that if we stop believing something, our life won’t work, we won’t be a good person, others will shun us, or any number of other bad things will happen.” – Gina Lake
50. “When we replace a negative belief with a positive one, it erases the negative belief, and the positive one becomes the basis for our automatic responses to life instead of the negative one.” – Gina Lake
51. “Without your beliefs, you wouldn’t be who you think you are. So letting go of even false and detrimental beliefs causes the ego a great deal of discomfort, and it won’t welcome this process. Tossing out your beliefs one by one is like tearing the ego apart piece by piece, and it isn’t going to go without a fight. And yet all the ego has to fight with is more beliefs—and feelings, particularly fear.” – Gina Lake
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52. “Years of negative self-talk create an inner critic inside you, a pesky, strong voice that always spews venom inside your mind. This voice gives rise to your fears, toxic beliefs, and limiting ideas that keep you from moving forward in life.” – Jack Thomas
53. “You have beliefs about your surroundings, your behaviors, your abilities, as well as your own identity. As soon as you develop a belief, you are going to act like it is true, and you’re going to withstand often or filter out anything that disagrees with it.” – Jack Thomas
54. “Your assumptions, which are positioned midway between your automatic thoughts and your core beliefs, act as a kind of translator between the two. They aren ’ t as fundamental as core beliefs, yet they aren ’ t as superficial as automatic thoughts.” – John B. Arden
55. “Core beliefs are broad generalizations about yourself and how the world works. When these beliefs are associated with anxiety, they paint you into a corner psychologically, so that whatever you do, you ’ re faced with an insurmountable challenge — one that will always fail.” – John B. Arden
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How to Identify and Challenge Limiting Beliefs?
Identifying limiting beliefs is an important step in personal growth and overcoming obstacles. Here are some strategies that can help you identify your own limiting beliefs:
1. Self-reflection: Take some time to reflect on your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in different areas of your life. Look for recurring patterns or negative self-talk that may indicate underlying limiting beliefs. Consider situations where you feel stuck or hold yourself back, and try to uncover the underlying beliefs that contribute to those feelings.
2. Thought monitoring: Pay attention to your thoughts throughout the day. Notice any thoughts that are self-critical, fear-based, or that reinforce negative narratives about yourself or your abilities. These thoughts often stem from limiting beliefs.
3. Journaling: Write down your thoughts, fears, and doubts in a journal. This can help you gain clarity and identify patterns of limiting beliefs. Document situations where you may have felt restricted, held back, or lacked confidence. Look for common themes or underlying beliefs behind those experiences.
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4. Seeking feedback: Trusted friends, family members, or a therapist can provide valuable insight into your limiting beliefs. They may notice patterns or beliefs that you are not aware of. Be open to receiving feedback and perspectives that can help you identify and challenge your limiting beliefs.
5. Core beliefs exploration: Core beliefs are deeply ingrained beliefs about ourselves, others, and the world. Reflect on what you truly believe about yourself and your capabilities. Are these beliefs empowering or limiting? For example, if you believe “I’m not smart enough” or “I don’t deserve success,” these could be limiting beliefs that impact your potential.
6. Questioning assumptions: Start questioning the assumptions you make about yourself and the world around you. Ask yourself why you believe certain things and examine the evidence supporting or contradicting those beliefs. This can help you identify if certain beliefs are based on facts or simply assumptions.
Use the following prompts to challenge your limiting beliefs:
1. What evidence supports this belief? What evidence contradicts it?
2. Where did this belief come from? Is it based on personal experiences, external influences, or assumptions?
3. How does this belief limit me in my personal or professional life?
4. What alternative interpretations or beliefs could I consider that would be more empowering?
5. How would my life change if I let go of this belief?
6. What would I tell a friend or loved one who held this belief? Can I apply that same advice to myself?
7. Have I ever achieved or accomplished something that goes against this belief? What can I learn from that experience?
8. What are the potential drawbacks of holding onto this belief? How does it hold me back or affect my well-being?
9. Can I find examples of people who have overcome similar challenges or circumstances? How did they do it?
10. What steps or actions can I take to challenge and change this belief? What small changes can I make to shift my perspective?
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Identifying limiting beliefs is an ongoing process that requires self-awareness and introspection.
Once you become aware of your limiting beliefs, you can begin working on challenging and replacing them with more empowering and supportive beliefs.
- Portions of this article were adapted from the book The Unlimited Self, © 2015 by Jonathan Heston. All rights reserved.