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50 Questions for Year End Reflection

50 Questions for Year End Reflection

As the year comes to a close, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the highs and lows, lessons learned, and the goals you’ve accomplished.

This year-end reflection can help you close one chapter with gratitude and step into the new year with clarity and purpose.

Here are 50 thought-provoking questions to guide your reflection.

50 Questions for Year End Reflection

Personal Growth

1. What was your biggest accomplishment this year?

2. What personal traits or habits have you improved?

3. How have your values or priorities shifted this year?

4. What challenges did you overcome, and how did you grow from them?

5. What new skills or knowledge did you gain this year?

6. What self-care practices worked for you this year?

7. What unhealthy habits do you want to leave behind?

8. What advice would you give yourself at the start of the year?

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9. Which relationships brought you the most joy this year?

10. Who supported you the most this year, and how?

11. What boundaries did you set in your relationships, and how did they help?

12. What was the most memorable moment you shared with a loved one?

13. What do you want to prioritize in your relationships next year?

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Career and Purpose

14. What was your biggest professional achievement?

15. What lessons did you learn from failures or setbacks at work?

16. What new opportunities did you take advantage of?

17. Were there moments you felt aligned with your sense of purpose?

18. Did you set and meet your career goals for the year?

19. What changes do you want to make in your career next year?

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Health and Well-Being

20. How did you prioritize your physical health this year?

21. What were your eating habits like, and how did they impact your health?

22. What changes do you want to make for your health next year?

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Mindset and Mental Clarity

23. What limiting beliefs did you let go of?

24. What is one mindset shift you want to take into next year?

Life Experiences

25. What was your most memorable experience this year?

26. What new hobbies or activities did you try?

27. What books, movies, or music had a significant impact on you?

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28. What are you most grateful for this year?

29. What simple pleasures brought you joy?

30. What is one thing you take for granted that you’re grateful for now?

31. What was the kindest thing someone did for you?

Related: Best 35 Journal Prompts To Get To Know Yourself

Reflection on Challenges

32. What was your hardest moment this year?

33. What lesson did you learn from a mistake?

34. What is one thing you would do differently?

35. What did you learn about your inner strength?

36. How did you grow emotionally from your challenges?

Looking Forward

37. What do you want to let go of as you move into the new year?

38. What is one goal you want to achieve next year?

39. What habits do you want to build or break?

40. What kind of person do you want to become next year?

41. What is one thing you want to do more of?

42. How can you make more time for what truly matters to you?

43. What is one act of self-love you will commit to in the coming year?

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44. What personal qualities do you want to nurture or strengthen?

45. How will you take care of your physical health?

46. How will you take care of your mental health?

47. What fears or doubts do you want to overcome?

48. What is one thing you will do to step out of your comfort zone?

49. What word or theme will guide your year?

50. What would make you feel most fulfilled at the end of the new year?

Self-Awareness Worksheets

By Hadiah

Hadiah is a counselor who is passionate about supporting individuals on their journey towards mental well-being. Hadiah not only writes insightful articles on various mental health topics but also creates engaging and practical mental health worksheets.

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